Best audios to better communicate with aliens?

I have been using alien intercession audio for some time now, recently introducing animal empathy/telepathy. Also I am looping it overnight on speaker(Alexa Echo Dot 3) on low volume.
Any other suggestions?
@Maoshan_Wanderer @_OM


Imaginarium divine, voice of gamayun, I think petersite could also help a bit.

and if you want to conecptual realizations, ipf would help too

and mindfulness

Maybe more’ll come to mind later on


And ego dissolution.


Thank you both for suggestions, I will try with pietersite on passive loop and ego dissolution twice a day.
@MonkeyOwl @Thomas


If you want to go crazy, you might also try Moldavite Energy. Actual, physical moldavite brought (and still brings) extraterrestial energy to this earth. For those who can handle its energy, it may well be a bridge between this earth (where you now are) and the aliens you are wanting to reach?


I’ll just second that. These guys love to communicate in pictures and images that convey a message by means of metaphor and analogy.


Alien intercession


Not to be mean but I feel like alot of your issues on this forum and probably other areas of life stem from not reading/paying attention carefully.


Timelessness ;)

When your veil of time as we know it drops, your mind is open to receiving… all kind of “foreign” communication seems already “known” to your mind… and that includes alien messages/understanding concepts.

Also the field makes your mind and consciousness expansive … that allows you to what we call “dive deeper” but it doesn’t feel like that. It feels like “known” and understood concepts coming from the left, right, and “concave” sides of your brain… It does not go down … it feels Inclusive … it feels All.


No you’re part right, I like when people are straight to the point without sugar coating things. Thanks for the feedback, will keep that into consideration.


@Thomas @MonkeyOwl @WellBeing @Atreides @Desiree
Thanks all of u, for ur suggestions.
Some of these have definitely resonated with me, @Desiree sure knows how to promote a field, I am SOLD on timelesness.

@Atreides the ones that are helping me are more hardcore. I basically feel day to day experiences are engineered in a way for me to get a certain message, certain events playing out in some order that feels custom made for me so I would get the meaning behind. Spontaneous ideas about what to do regarding whatever is important to me etc.

My only issue is that the pace of this “development” could be way faster. Also I was told clearly-Yes we can help u, but u will need to work hard on ur side as well, the more u give on ur part, the more we can do on our part.(not just regarding spirituality, but to act in life as I feel I should,when I feel I should, no being lazy anymore)

So yeah, getting serious about this (hence the post). Also to clarify I did ask them to enhance our connection and their effectivness on me, but later on I intuitively felt they want me to use fields for that, because currently, fields can affect (change) me faster than Aliens themselves (dont ask why, complicated to explain here, this just feels correct )
I am sorry for replying now, but the exams are having me extremely busy, and I wanted to be able to take the time undistracted to write this reply.


Haha thanks man! It’s an experience for sure! Let me know how it goes ;) @shadowhunter176


Also I highly recommend you add spiritual growth for this. It has nothing really to do with “spirituality” in the context we know but definitely has a lot to do with your own growth as a soul … a person

In more refined words, it establishes this communication and further grows it out of the Mind and Soul. The Mind knows how to act but can sometimes lose its grip on the Direction. The Soul knows the Direction but doesn’t have the luxury of Physical action. Together they work in making you One with yourself… and One with life in accordance.

(Also has been my #1 protector lol for the aspect where it pushes away everyone you don’t need in your life at the moment and hinders your growth. I slept to a couple loops last night and next thing I know a person was pushed out of my life for the better, just next day haha. Always surprises me this one!)


which field are you referring to? Thnx

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@Kchannar Not Desiree, but there’s a pretty good chance she means Spiritual Growth States of Being …?

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