Best field for proof sapien fields works 4 disbelievers / scoffers

Trending away from the philosophical bent this thread has taken…

Core strengthening has had such an immediate and noticeable effect on me from my start with fields. As soon as I play it I can feel the activity in my core muscles.

My wife, who is not into any of this, has noticed beneficial effects from brain regeneration and pain control.

That said, there are so many things that could be blocking someone from experiencing the effects. You’d almost want to make them sit through a round of Ego Diss, SLR, and Energy Blockage Removal before even playing your “proof” field. And at the end of the day, they’d still need to accept the energy, which is the one major caveat. These fields don’t violate free will. Sure, I think some bypass the conscious mind and take affect through approval of the higher self and/or subconscious. But it’s harder for a field to be effective or noticeable without the conscious acceptance of it.

On another note, try environmental fields. Keep positive vibes energy looping and when someone mentions how they’re in an inexplicably good mood just show them the track title.


When i found out about morphic fields i literarlly tried to heal my whole enviroment. Silly me…
It didnt end up well. I let it go .
Now when i see somebody is already into alternative methods like my brother who loves to explore and is very open minded i introduce fields. He started to use ego dissolution and detachment, some will power, jing fields . He is totally into it.
But he was already receptive and opened for new experiences and constant growth.


thanks yep as I said i’m still gonna look for an environmental field that that produces a good scent. Will test soon.

i read all your replies ty everyone

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I believe everyone is their own worst enemy and i dare say we all got a part of us that sabotages us in covert ways i will explain:

I used a few fields here and there in 2019 and was really open to them. I cant explain it but it STILL didnt really click in my mind to really go deep and get onboard like go the forum or see if there was better stuff like paid fields.

Now about 3 months ago i’ve finally done that step. So i guess i made it to the finish line, maybe lol
lol just remembered what obama said… “we all have a reptilian part of our brain”


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