Best field(s) to limit/off-set side effects of COVID vaccine?

Some folks are in a position where they need to take the vaccine for one reason or another, others are doing so willingly, etc. etc. I’m not really looking to debate the merits of getting or not getting the vaccine here, but rather, just to find out what the best fields are to use for those of us who may be getting the jab at some point, or knowing friends or family who are.

I feel pretty damn glad to know that there’s a wealth of serious game-changing morphic fields at our fingertips, and I know I’m not alone in that.

I forget the name of the anti-allergy/inflammation field, but that seems like a good one to keep the immune system from overreacting (although I wonder if it would interfere with antibody development…)

Maybe the Nitric Oxide Boost audio would help too, seeing as it relaxes blood vessels? I’d think anything that prevents blood clots would be super useful here as a precaution.

What else would help?

Thanks for your time!

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This one has a lot of ideas ;)

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Oh crap, how did I miss that one? Welp. I guess this can be closed, then. :’ D

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