Best field to achieve a blissful state... advice for new stack

Blueprint of love
Blueprints of Blueprint
The Primordial spark
The blessed Path
The Prince
Warrior Athlete
This stack feels like its everything I need for the year (still use other audios, cant seem to get rid of long stacks lol)

But yeah been playing this at work and I feel good through out the day. The day has a sense of ease, co workers enjoy my company, seem to get a lot of attraction. I feel confident and the mind isn’t thinking a 100 different things I’m pretty shure thanks to warrior athlete.


Mind body soul graviton
Essence of mantras
White light waves

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I’m happy to say that a good session with Blueprint of Life makes me feel blissful like no other field does.


Unlock full potential guided meditation is extremely relaxing and put me in a state of peace and bliss on its own (Sammy’s voice is very soothing :rofl:). You could follow that with essence of mantras+Ojas.
Alchemical jing charged blood is also supremely relaxing yet energizing. It’s very very underrated.