Body hair remover

Hello Lucius :)

This thread is more suited for posting your question


I’ve been trying it… (with Sapien’s Leg one aswell) the hair growth is less than before… but not a huge WOW difference. In saying that, I have actually had my legs, other and underarm done via laser years and years ago, but after so many years it does grow back slowly and so I have minimal hair - I thought this might help with the regrowth instead of having to keep going back with maintenance.


So, are these fields truly permanent - chest and back + the neck and face one, not interested in shaving my legs lol; considering that they are permanent (if they are) plus what Jaaj mentioned about pheromones, idk if I’ll use them; on the other hand if it’s not truly permanent, hmm…?

Anyone who used these field (men) - did you got permanent results AND did/do you repel women lol?

Edit: there aren’t for legs lol, ok, I would NOT use them anyway.