Brahmarshi refers to the highest class of rishis (sages). It is a title given to a rishi who is said to have the realization of Brahma, the creator-god form of Brahman (Absolute Reality). Brahmarshi is one who has absolute mastery over creation itself. Once you’ve attained to being a Brahmarshi, in many ways, you are the Creator.
The purpose of this project is to facilitate the becoming of a Brahmarishi.
This project is aiming towards providing a complete tool and guidance for attaining to being a Brahmarshi. It is for those who wish to explore the vastness that this existence has to offer, gaining complete self mastery, to play this game of life in its highest capacity, and to enrich all that this being comes across.
If you have Chosen, then you are the Chosen One. Mahadeva is patiently waiting in anticipation for such an Auspicious Happening.
Just get there!
Field 1: Foundation for the Ultimate Possibility
A strong foundation is needed to build a skyscraper. Needless to say, a POWERFUL foundation that covers all bases is needed for attaining to such a height as a Brahmarshi. This is to ensure a smooth sailing.
Subfield 1: Physical - Annamaya Kosha
Facilitates the building of a strong, flexible, and tenacious body. Automated Angamardhana.
Subfield 2: Mind - Manomaya Kosha
Solidifier, Woven World, and whatever powerful manifestation techniques - Brahmarshi
Expanding Awareness - A deep sense of understanding that investing in awareness is the best investment, naturally starts investing energy in awareness, deepening awareness of the transient and illusory nature of existence. Naturally creates distance from the thought process, seeing its nature (repetitive and recycling of memory) and how there’s absolutely no life value in that. Dropping of likes and dislikes. (The basis of your bondage/foundation of your karma/your personality/identity/ahankara (basically all the same thing), is your likes and dislikes, if one destroys the foundation, more than 90% of your spiritual work is done.) Facilitates non-attachment, dispassion, equanimity. Develops Viveka and Jnana/Gyan and moves towards Satya.
Unwavering Heart - One pointed Focus, Burning Intensity.
Leela - facilitates playfulness - the whole existence is just a play.
Subfield 3: Energy - Pranamaya Kosha
Facilitates clearing, activating, balancing, and strengthening all nadis and chakras. Balancing the Ida and Pingala, moving energy up the Sushumna Nadi. Automated AUM. Automated Kriyas.
Sexual Transmutation, Ojas
Field 2: Knowledge and Mastery
It’s time to walk the walk. With the knowledge of mastery now given, it is time to apply and make wisdom happen. Maybe you gotta meditate for a thousand years, better start NOW.
Automated Chant: Yoga Yoga Yogeshwaraya
Bhuta Bhuta Bhuteshwaraya
Kala Kala Kaleshwaraya
Shiva Shiva Sarveshwaraya
Shambho Shambho Mahadevaya
Subfield 1: Yogeshwara - Chakreshwara
Facilitates integration of the essential science of Yoga
Guided step by step mastery of the 114 Chakras.
Subfield 2: Bhuteshwara
Facilitates cleansing and mastery of the Pancha Bhutas (Five Elements), understanding all their different manifestations and qualities.
Automated Chant: Aum Namah Shivaya
Bhumi - Grounding and Mastery
Jala - Purifying and Mastery
Vayu - Activates and mastering all aspects of Vayu and its manifestations (All 49 Vayus) prioritizing the Pancha Vayus first. (Prana, Apana, Samana, Udana, Vyana)
Agni - Activates Agni in the system. Facilitates the transformation of Jatharagni to Chittagni, Bhutagni, and Sarvagni.
Akash - Gains awareness and intimacy with Akash. Integrates and facilitates having a higher proportion of Akash in one’s system.
Subfield 3: Kaleshwara
Embody Kala Bhairava/Mahakala, facilitates mastery of Kala (Time & Space) (or however Kala can be mastered.)
Field 3: The Chosen One
This is in all likelihood not going to be a quick journey, but with commitment, intensity, attention, and involvement, nothing is out of reach. And since you’re the chosen one, the Divine is supporting you and the whole cosmos conspire to help you on your journey to Complete Self Mastery.
Subfield 1: The Pillars of Truth
Deepening awareness on Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, and Enriching, facilitates the highest embodiment and expressions of that.
Deepening awareness of All rules are my rules. I’m not the body, I’m not the mind. My responsibility is limitless, I am responsible for everything. This moment is inevitable, the way it is, is the way it is, there can be no other way. I am a Mother to the whole Cosmos.
Facilitates seeing the Divine in everything, all inclusiveness. Facilitates devotion.
Subfield 2: Meticulous Attention
Nishchalatattve Jeevanmukti means, For one who is unwavering in his intention, liberation cannot be denied. It means unwavering attention towards anything leads to liberation.
Attention is the key that opens all doors.
Facilitates unwavering attention. Gaining control and precision in everything we do.
Subfield 3: Blessings, Intercession, and Initiations of Brahmarshis
On this journey there might be times of hardship and confusion, fear not, the Masters are here. Invoke the great Masters (Adiyogi, Saptarishis, Vasishta, Vishwamitra, Mahavatar Babaji, Sadhguru, and all Brahmarshis) - Automated Guru Pooja.
Field 4: Samyama
Facilitates the happening of Samyama.
Samyama is the synthesis of these three states:
Dharana - complete focus or concentration
Dhyana - meditation or contemplation
Samadhi - equanimity of mind or union
To be in Samyama is to be in a state where you have perfect control over the mind. In this state, the illusions that you are the body or the mind are said to fall away. Samyama is a practice by which the yogi can gain tremendous knowledge and power. It can be applied with a focus on any one object at a time. When it is practiced on an object, the yogi practicing Samyama is said to be able to dive deep and find the truest knowledge of the object. Siddhis can be acquired through applying Samyama on different things/concepts as stated in the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali. (Can list what things/concepts to apply on for which Siddhis/powers, but it’s all in the Yoga Sutra)
Shoutout to Captain for being generous and creating this baby. Everything above is included (confirmed by Captain.) I’m still shaking from the excitement (or just being blasted by the power of this gem), much love and immense gratitude.
(Everyone who owns this was first approved by my guides and the prerequisite for joining is that they will be keeping this until becoming a Brahmarshi and working intimately with it. There might be an extra copy or two for sale or trade depending on if everyone in the project picks it up or not.)