Brain Guild General discussion

I think it is worth to mention that there is a hidden danger in gaining intelligence. The philosopher Wessel Zappfe said that human conscious is so great that it hurts them. It is the equivalent of a deer getting too great of an antler, one that is so great they can’t carry it.

Being more intelligent can hurt and eventually we should figure out strategies to cope.

Not being intelligent enough is dangerous as well and one is at risk for various things that can go wrong and if one is intelligent and one knows about sapien medicine one will probably find a good way to cope, better than a less intelligent person would.

Anyway, one side effect of listening to the audios is that one gets in a better mood, so the greatest disatvantage isn’t there + one feels that good about getting new abilities unlocked. It is a double risk anyway, if one stays at one’s level one is suspeptible to stuff and one will be susceptible to stuff if one gains intelligence, but what remains a blessing is the great sense of meaning we have on this journey.

I’ve always hated how one is the same person, how it is so hard to improve. How one just can’t seem to surpass how one was yesterday or 3 months ago, but I’ve found the way now. In my experience ever since I began listening to brain doping videos my sadness has gone away and so has the stress, I’ve been at the happiest with these audios. In my experience I haven’t noticed more awareness of the cruel reality, but then again I haven’t been listening to wiring fields for that long.

There is a hidden danger to anything. If one gains money and fame one can help one’s family, but one has an endless supply of drugs and one gets bombarded with paparazzi. If one jogs a lot there is a heightened risk of developing sore knees, etc, etc. Just because there might be a few cons to something doesn’t mean that it’s not worth it.

To end on a more useful note, we have people in our life to take care of, responsibilities, we can’t just dumb out can we? That would mean that those around us will experience woe if we fail. I need to be able to do well in university and it would be very useful for me as a student of social anthroplogy and I need to become way more intelligent.

Being a student does enable one to have more time for these fields.

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Are there any supporting fields that could boost plasma brain healing?

brain and spine antioxidant.


Maybe brain regeneration. I always included it in my old routine.

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I am considering sleeping with wholistic thinking.

I was thinking how the audios might have cognitive effects outside of their description, maybe wholistic thinking works on one’s music making skills. It probably doesn’t work as well as musically yours. My point is that a lot of these audios overlap a little in the benefits they give, but not completely.

If one listened to drops of memory, wholistic thinking and cyber brain then one would probably be better at any instrument.

I want to share a concept and I have a self-made term for it. It is called “hidden wiring”.

Hidden wiring is when one combines the wiring fields and it gives skills that wasn’t in the description. Let’s say one does speed reading and a key of babel ad musically yours and then one gets the benefit of being able to listen to something at 10 times the speed. That would be an example of hidden wiring.


Just a quick update. I’ve gone all in with Link and Bypass.

Every wiring field I own is being streamed to me at the same time 10+ hours a day.

At first it was draining my energy system a fair bit but it’s strengthening and a lot more resilient now.

I’m staying away from the audios for the time being to make sure this is working, but I think I’ve already noticed an increase in my intelligence the past few days.


Innovator Matt and innovator @Pano are blessing us.

They’re starting the new waves. :fire::fire::fire:


Nice, I just may have to give this one a shot.


Guys tell us how it goes, I think @igem has been using broadcasters for months now as he spoke about in the past, but I don’t think he’s given results about them.

I would love to know, because imagine playing all your brain fields at once lol, would for sure be down to experiment.

At the moment I am listening to wholistic thinking. For the first time I actually enjoyed the music despite having listened to it a few thousand times. I found it very touching to listen it while reading @Jojo 's post.

I am listening to wholistic thinking and power of numbers a lot. I estimate that it must be around 6-7 hours give or take. I am also complimenting it with the old-school fields. I get the head pressure and I find it comforting since it means that it works and is potent.

Today the head pressure was a little bit different, I felt it in different areas. I felt it deeper in my brain.

I have been experimenting with different speakers and headphones.


Second week of daily tri and quad looping. I’ve started taking all 4 of my mp3 devices with me to work.

Been prioritizing MM, CC, and SB. MM I for sure have in the rotation. Been starting to mix in 30-60 minute loop sessions of my other wiring fields as well.

The tolerance has improved tremendously and I’d say WM has helped improve that endurance/capacity tremendously.

Results-wise they are subtle but I trust there is work and wiring taking place. Going to allow weekends as my break from wiring fields to let more of that crystallization and perceived enhancements take place.

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@Jojo Actulally not much to say about Link and Bypass yet. Copycat is very much looking legit but it can easily overload with energy.

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Nice grinding sessions bro :star_struck::fire:

If you ever get to this point just ask yourself, “What mental operation or exercise could grow my brain as fast and as optimal as this?”

After that the time spent waiting will make a lot more sense lol.

I’m also waiting to finish the circuitry for a couple of fields myself, and it seems like it takes foreeeever.

But then you perform a mental operation that you would have never even thought about in the past. At that point, we just have to wait lol.

If you want and need those super quick results, I’d just spam manhattan method and mathematical madness for the direct stimulation.

But we tend to prioritize ones that take longer, because of circuitry.


Ah I see. You will probably come up with something better soon, you’re very creative.

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And after overload Copycat will start dissipating, not inefficient per what I feel, but not as wieldy, it is most effective with fields, but was made to be looped for subliminals.

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Thank you for the kind words. I’m sure you and other brain-guild members will try many creative ideas in near future as well :wink:

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Yep, great point.

Yeah I think I’ll start working MMM in there with MM.

As I type this I’m waiting on a client with all 4 devices on me (cargo shorts help a lot with this lol). Got MM, MMM, CB, and SB. Then WM on my iPhone.

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I am also doing a major Link and Bypass schedule with my audios, NFTs and brain fields. I can definitely feel it working as I get really strong sensations throughout the day even when not using the audios.

I still do my daily Brain Game stack and a few other audios (Negentropic Pulsar and Smart Stem Cells mostly) for approximately 8-10 hours a day too.

Thanks for mentioning this tool as I was not aware of it until you did! This is total power leveling it feels like.


BTW, do you open Link file while activating it? Or just open folder with it in any file manager?