I think it is worth to mention that there is a hidden danger in gaining intelligence. The philosopher Wessel Zappfe said that human conscious is so great that it hurts them. It is the equivalent of a deer getting too great of an antler, one that is so great they can’t carry it.
Being more intelligent can hurt and eventually we should figure out strategies to cope.
Not being intelligent enough is dangerous as well and one is at risk for various things that can go wrong and if one is intelligent and one knows about sapien medicine one will probably find a good way to cope, better than a less intelligent person would.
Anyway, one side effect of listening to the audios is that one gets in a better mood, so the greatest disatvantage isn’t there + one feels that good about getting new abilities unlocked. It is a double risk anyway, if one stays at one’s level one is suspeptible to stuff and one will be susceptible to stuff if one gains intelligence, but what remains a blessing is the great sense of meaning we have on this journey.
I’ve always hated how one is the same person, how it is so hard to improve. How one just can’t seem to surpass how one was yesterday or 3 months ago, but I’ve found the way now. In my experience ever since I began listening to brain doping videos my sadness has gone away and so has the stress, I’ve been at the happiest with these audios. In my experience I haven’t noticed more awareness of the cruel reality, but then again I haven’t been listening to wiring fields for that long.
There is a hidden danger to anything. If one gains money and fame one can help one’s family, but one has an endless supply of drugs and one gets bombarded with paparazzi. If one jogs a lot there is a heightened risk of developing sore knees, etc, etc. Just because there might be a few cons to something doesn’t mean that it’s not worth it.
To end on a more useful note, we have people in our life to take care of, responsibilities, we can’t just dumb out can we? That would mean that those around us will experience woe if we fail. I need to be able to do well in university and it would be very useful for me as a student of social anthroplogy and I need to become way more intelligent.
Being a student does enable one to have more time for these fields.