Correct me if im wrong but with the old one I saw results in matter of days. But this one… ugh
Field doesn’t exist. Or doesn’t exist yet. Either way, subcutaneous fat in the scalp is a good lead. It could be why the book about the 5 rites includes butter applied topically to the scalp as a cure for baldness.
Do the techniques mentioned in the Tibetian book work? Have you tried it. Seeme fascinating.
the reason the hairloss V2 worked faster and better is because you have been using i for much longer than the new version. When you use the field for a long amount of time, it gets more effective for you and is integrated in your energy system more.
I only use the stem cell to hair from patreon and it works fine .
Interesting… maybe @El_Capitan_Nemo can add this in a future version
That or I’d prefer an independent track for it. Something I can play while sleeping too.
I hope that doesnt give an extremly greasy scalp though… lol
People who have a naturally healthy amount of subcutaneous fat in their scalp do not have extremely greasy scalps. In any case, an independent track would give people an option to include something that removes dht or to see what happens without it. I’d use it either way.
All for something deactivating the genetic sensitivity to DHT or anything that can be done to stop its effects specifically targeted to the scalp alone.
3.0 has that too
Again, 3.0 is the updated one. Some people, like you said too, says they are doing better with the older version.
I wouldn’t rely too much on the comments though, because when it comes to hair fall a lot of people get scared as fuck