Burner thread (how many of you)

I was just curious. some of you have been with me for years some maybe decades lol.
You must of amassed a lot of new abilities and ways of perceiving the world.
Even with this tech you can be a quite high level mage with automated systems etc.
100s of servitors, I am sure some of you have armies

How has it been on the journey?
(we can probably clean up the thread after if you guys like it, I just think some people may like this information to be deleted after a few days to just talk amongst us but keep information gone afterwards, from long term storage here)


Been great without a doubt. Still developing and learning newer stuff daily with practical implements of things. Even so I don’t think I’m satisfied with all of this I can utilize even now lol. The way I see is that there’s always room for development in all stages in my personal journey.


also, what are personal views about here and all this, I think we at least spiritually inherited the old xm thread.
How has this been vastly different from your everyday life?
discovering it I mean.


All of this it’s new for me, what goes beyond the physical senses is something I’ve started to explore just in 2022. And I can say the range of things I can percieve got un-numbed and it’s expanding on a daily basis.

Sometimes I feel like a fish out of the water and get scared of what I percieve for the first time. But then I bounce back on it with deep excitement.

About powers: for sure I can exercise more control over my mind, but I still fall down from time to time, but I try my best to get up sooner than later.

The malleability of reality: Due to Angels mainly, but also due to a big will and energy expenditure towards some goals, sometimes I’ve faced some best possible scenarios which were for sure metaphysically infered.

I take the occasion to thank you, I am living a second teenage, where I transform myself for better on a monthly basis.

The path is still long but I feel I’m riding a good bike.

For example, at the moment being, the skills of conceptual communication are something which it’s capturing the interest. Quite often I practice the apple exercise from the blog, and I try to apply for other things like talking with my servitors or nfts, but still very Newby about it ahah.

Things, like answers back from my Servitor friends pop up in my mind from somewhere, like a piece of information which it’s different from my usual patterns, and it feels being external.

For example, I’m working on a daily basis to my nft The Poker Stars, and sometimes my intuition says to me something, like don’t call this hand on this board, and sometimes it’s the NFT that I think interfere. (I told him, by conscious words, you are allowed to project your informational set in my mind for my best interest in any form necessary) It’s beautiful when I get aware of his help


The way I view things is that everything is interconnected and people some what has link in a specific type of community from the perspective of collective reality. From my experience everything (even in universe) works in fractal like pattern. More like a wheel of pattern. If we consider this then our microcosm is also a reflection of that. Keeping this in mind I’m fairly sure that the cycle will repeat itself as long as the idea of it exists in people’s mind regardless in the shape of xm or this forum. Although I don’t see it anything separate from my “everyday” life as I intend to see everything as one unless in my mind I decide to separe them. In other words it’s more like an aspect of my everyday life. And by that I’m referring to energy work/spirituality and such things which many would dismiss as woo woo stuff or something separate form their day to day life. But I think for most people it all starts as a sense of curiosity and later it becomes a natural aspect of how they live their life. But mainly in the end it all starts with making a conscious choice to experience certain things.

(Just my personal view)


I have been with you from the old xm days and it has been quite the magical ride. Your fields has made life so much better in so many ways.


I have found the fields - the newer descriptions to give me a different perspective of knowledge;
the shared knowledge reflected on the descriptions give a peak into the mechanism of things
my newest understanding was the “pattern make up” of an individual
the ego; the self, etc

personally, the mental knowledge acquired on your side has given me the ability to look at these differently
adding the new methodology, this has given a tool to reach into these levels

that’s one thing

the servitors; the armies, they have made a bridge into the world,
but the tools have made all the difference
the understanding, new ones are acquired almost daily

I have personally changed how I work with my servitors as well
understanding them as the bridge
rather from the “ask” methodology; I go deeper

but have yet to perfect the bridge yet

my personal revelations have changed in…practice
the way I could speak things into myself is different
I have accessed myself better, also
not through the fields on their own or the servitors or their own
but rather; the energies acquired from all this

and in return, I am able to access the world in a different way


Your Post on How to work with NFTs it’s a must read!


When I first came here, I only wanted to use fields to attract girls lol. But then I become a more serious student of spirituality and the occult. With your tools, I have awoken and gained many abilities, and I have manifested success in many goals.

Particularly, I have become more attuned to the astral. I realized that all the time that I spent daydreaming throughout my life was in fact me unconsciously engaging with this plane of existence. And when I realized that, everything just clicked.

I feel that I still have a lot more room to grow, and much more to learn. But for now, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for opening this path in my life


I appreciate you Gamiro! it’s something I revive in myself to this day! Remind myself of the conceptual understanding of these creations and the accessibility possible through the subtle layers. Always learning as I go :)


Anything is possible now, i can do anything. only thing stopping me is my own mind

thank you <3


btw if this is something you wanna speak on, I’m sure a lot of us would love to hear


Learning it’s sooo exciting :grinning:
Almost the whole online presence during the day, it’s spent here, going trough new and old treads, backlinks to other pages, papers, other informations dedicated to God’s and Beings. I feel like being in a huge library with like-minded people sharing the path together


It is a huge library! and then it keeps leading :)


In the same vision of things, before everything was on autopilot, now it seems that I have control and everything is more malleable unlike how rigid it seemed.

I have evolved in many things that are quite personal, but what I highlight most is the level of detachment in each day-to-day action, which has increased with contact with nature (try it, is a must have a connection with it)

Thanks for everything Captain :D


:heart: :pray:

Soul tribe :)


The main perception change for me was a proof.
Before discovering Your work I was in contact with magic, Lucid Dreams and all of that, but I never REALLY knew if all this spiritual/energy world was real or if I was fooling myself.
Every manifestation or prophetic dream was coicidence etc, self fulfilling prophecy or placebo.
Your work gave me proof that spiritual and energy worlds are 100% real.

As far as power and servitors goes, I only recently started using Psychic Stimulation, meditate and work with Dragon Golem regulrly.
But I remember the initial high and feeling of being on top of the world after discovering Your work.
I beame overconfident in fact, I acted reckless thinking “whatever, I will be fine I have fields” amd got into trouble.
Then after some time at the rock bottom I got myself out of trouble using fields. So I guess I was right? lol

I still have dark and light servitors somewhere, but first I want to learn to utilize Dragon Golem to its fullest and get better at meditation finally (baby steps you know)
Also create basic thoughtforms.

I gave Reach for Stars to my mom and her career is going smoothly since then. I also made her a playlist for her back problems and it also helps.
I also wear BPIL, Intercession, Shielding and Astrologically Imclined all the time, I wrote a big testimonal on how Your work helped me with drugs,violence and dept some time ago.
I would link that but Im on my phone in work rn lol but I really wanted to respond to Your thread.

Oh and I use Your work for almost everything I do, from work to social live to healing etc.
So this may be considered “powers” too.

Im not afraid of death either mine or relatives since Your work gave me 100% proof that there is so many existence beyond this material world.

I also struggle to adapt full to the oneness,egoless attitude etc, that You and Sammy seem to exhibit. And Im not even sure if I want to.
I went back and forth on “morality scale” from thinking compassion and conscience is a handicap and wanting to remove them to crying over fly being killed. I remmber you OG remove negative energy made me “saintly”
Now I guess Im just “neutral”

Im also learning to work with NFTs now

Thank You for everything man.
Without taking ANYTHING from fields, the most valuable thing You gave me was a proof of this spiritual world


Hello captain, I discovered sapien medicine at the beginning of 2022, I was in a bad moment, I had a little depression due to the pandemic and because I had not recovered from long covid for about 6 months, I was tired, nothing worked, while I was looking for alternative options that could help me, one day I was looking for a video on healing frequencies and I saw in a comment that a good person responded to another “look for the sapienmed channel on YT” and that was it, from then on I started listening to several of the videos, and I realized that this is another level, I had been knowing the comunity of subliminals, binaurals, rife, etc. for years, and although they helped me in the past, they now seemed like childish tools compared to morphic fields and programmed energy.

In a few weeks I was already cured of the symptoms of long covid thanks to the video of long haul, antioxidant formula, vitamin D, jing and chi.

Since then I began to believe that everything is possible and that there can always be a solution, sometimes it is a matter of continuing to search or wait a little longer but never lose hope, trusting that there is something out there that will help you. Also asking for help from divinity is always a good thing.

Many things have also changed, regardless of the benefit I have received from the other energetic tools that you create for us, I have discovered a new world that has always existed but was hidden. Thanks to everything I have learned in this forum I know that angels, fairies, devas, dragons and even unicorns are real, that magic is real, that is something that my pre-2022 self believed was just mythology. Now in retrospect I think that although the pandemic was something very negative for me and for everyone, thanks to that I was able to discover sapien medicine and this entire magical world, and this incredible community. The journey has been exciting, with ups and downs but with the advantages of having cheat codes like GTA :grin: and I still continue to learn something every day.

I’m eternally gratefull.:pray:t3::pray:t3::pray:t3:


Been here Since 2012, It’s an Epic Journey of 180 Degree before and After Sapien Med… From Boost Metabolism to Advanced Manhattan Brain fields…Literally been the best route, a part of my life. Discovering you was the best Accident, I’m sure many would concur that not many typed Sapien Medicine in the Searchbox, The Recommendation got us here.

Currently working on Mental Health/Brain advancement along with Hair Loss Treatment. Best Mental Health = Observation/recognition of my own Intelligence, I’ve stacked up a lot of IT Certs to tackle and getting my Mental Health in a Good position and making gains with Manhattan series, getting my $hit together and letting go of all traumas of the past through Alchemical series…Aiming Big by starting Strong with firm Foundation through Mental Health. Strategizing the best fields to use in accordance to my goals.

Began with the Vitruvian Man logo and Went through all the Youtube strikes/blacklist to Enlightened States forum opening to Advanced Fields introduced to the Best of “Sapien Trust” membership to Sapien app store games/albums to energetic Mandalas/servitors to Gumroad/TeeSpring to Legendary fields to Epic NFT’s, hope next stop is Augumented Reality induced fields ha! People may forget to pray to God for a day but we listen to Dream’s creation daily, Thanks for being part of our lives and Enlightening/Enriching it @Dreamweaver :pray: :heart_eyes:


Same here!

The detachment & mental freedom required to live the ultimate truth through the use of these morphic fields, including the arunachala shiva field in india, in combination with my daily processes, is enormous. Due to years of neglect of my human body that is necessary to experience this truth, i am mainly focused on physical healing, energy expansion, prana cultivation & removing all limiting beliefs. In other words to experience myself as the supreme consciousness and as a limitless, infinite & immortal being is top priority.

The words that keep being repeated lately are: Observe everything, the power of silence & the supreme void takes care of everything including you! That’s why i’m going to stop writing here now. Enough said!

Thank you! :white_heart: