Burner thread (how many of you)

I came here into this forum seeking external circumstances and value to enhance my life. That would apply to love, looks, success, getting the validation, etc and then as I learned from this forum I became a different person internally over the course of years.

My outlook on life is much different than before. I am learning to accept myself and improve myself for the better and not chase the wrong things that would lead me to nowhere.

So I am spiritually attuned (not entirely sure), but I do lack the esoteric wisdom and motivation to proceed sometimes but Iā€™m getting there.


Well, Capā€™n karma crucible is kicking my ass like crazy, hopefully in a few months I will really be able to answer your question if this thread is still there. @Captain_Nemo


First, thank you from the bottom of my heart for gifting us with the tools to be more aware, to grow, and to excel. It has been a blessed shortcut in many ways and a wakeup call also.

Early on I accepted the mission and challenge to love in order to achieve balance. This blessed opportunity has shown me many things - where I am closed off, where I have substituted self-righteousness instead of open-heartedness, and have I really been willing to pay attention to what was being said and offered rather than to just have an answer.

Each new field that I have embraced has embraced me. Some, after years, I am still seeking to know as I come to better know myself.

I have dearly loved being here, participating - hopefully with open arms and heart. This forum has been many things to me: a treasure chest of brilliant tools, a place of sanctuary, an endless repository of learning. I deeply feel the absence of the many who were here when I arrived, but at the same time I can feel the energy of their journeys and the mark they left here.

I was around on xtrememind but not an open-eyed as I should have been. I must have caught the vibes that lead me here though.

I have been blessed to pretty much lead the same life, just with more knowledge - better equipped to penetrate more veils.

This place has been like a second family. I have made a few friends here that have changed my life immeasurably. and I am ever so grateful to have found this place, them and you, Captain.

Angel TY


The short answer to how has it been on the journey is, itā€™s been amazing in every way I could be amazed. Itā€™s been wonderful.

The long answer is, Iā€™ve mostly led an exceedingly ordinary life but always searching for more. Knowing there must be more than the materialist principles that were taught to me, knowing there must be more than what my religion of origin could explain to me. Finding you and this opened an entirely new dimension for me and without discovering it, at the risk of being dramatic, I donā€™t know if I would be alive at least on some level. This has saved me physically more times than I can count, and emotionally as well.

There are so many times where I feel like Iā€™m being steadied now. Held in the palm of a hand. Itā€™s hard to find that from the people around you because they need steadying themselves. Thanks to finding this world I feel I can steady others in some ways I couldnā€™t before.

I would like to say my intuition has become much more. I believe it has. I also think I have become a much more peaceful person.

Iā€™m working on my level of awareness. Thatā€™s improved as well. But if you remember when I found this a few years ago, I was prettyā€¦rock bottom in a lot of ways. On the outside I looked totally normal, but inside I was a mess in a lot of ways. Although Iā€™ve improved a great deal, Iā€™m still dealing in the normal. But you know, the normal has become very enhanced. You talked to me three years ago about a backyard, and Iā€™d say, yeah ok weā€™re in a backyard. Do you have any bug spray? Now, Iā€™d say, yeah weā€™re in a backyard. Letā€™s listen to the sounds of the birds and the buzzing of the insects. Are you seeing the color out here? Do you feel the peace? Also do you have any bug spray?

I feel like I can help others more now. If someone had a problem before Iā€™d have to be like oh yeah that sucks. Letā€™s google it or letā€™s see if we can find an herb for it. Now I have an entire library with which to help them. Sometimes solving a little problem for someone makes all the difference in their lives.

I used to hold a lot more grudges, and beat myself
up much harder. My internal dialogue toward others and myself is much more kind now. Am I supportive of everything? No. But I ask more questions of myself and I try to give others the benefit of the doubt before rushing to judgment. I didnā€™t really do that before. I didnā€™t have the patience. I have some more patience.

So, thanks to all this I get to be 2.0 instead of 1.0. Or half.0. Working on 3.0. I think the Claircognizance will improve. I think Iā€™ve gotten in the way of that because sometimes you just donā€™t want to know. You know? But fears can be silly, because weā€™re floating on a ball through space itā€™s already terrifying. Might as well go nuts. So thank you so much for everything. As always. Iā€™ll always remember all of this and Iā€™ll always be grateful, and should I live long enough to know somebody who could be considered a grandchild I will certainly tell them about this, if they donā€™t know already.


Itā€™s been an interesting journey.

Iā€™ve had rather unique and mystical experiences since I was fairly young, but it was very easy to lose track of them growing up.

I think one of my first steps into a conscious spiritual journey was with the hype leading up to 2012. But, being a critical thinker, I was disillusioned fairly quickly with it. And right around the same time period, I ran into a controversial crazy person named Drew Hempel. He was interesting, and I didnā€™t get a clear read on what he was about until years later. But one of the pivotal things that I picked up from him was the importance of the Full Lotus.

So I picked that up as a teenager and have continued with it ever since. It was a significant thing, since I was able to tangibly manipulate energy within a week of training that way. And, from there, I was led to authentic lineages and teachings.

I think getting on that track kept me out of the xtrememind forum. The use of MK Ultra as a marketing thing didnā€™t quite sit well with me and I was always more of an observer than someone who wanted to influence people or outcomes. But it looks like there was definitely interesting times to be had there. Not much can be found on the Internet Archive, but the things there are neat.

Anyways, when I encountered the SapienMed channel, that was an interesting event on its own. There were many interesting experiences to be had and it was a thing of perennial interest over the years. I had mostly kept my distance, and I had no basis for understanding what fields even were. All I knew was that I could feel an energy behnd the audios and they seemed to have different effects.

For me, the entire spirituality thing was diving into meditation and refining energy. But these fields were something interesting in a new direction.They were a bridge from the microcosm of meditation out in to the macrocosm of big energy interactions. --So many things, I had a general sense of from meditating, but I had a lot more clear and tangible, cause-and-effect recognitions when I was able to begin working with fields and understand some of their effects and behaviors.

But, for how I view the forum, it is something that does hold significant value for me. Iā€™ve been a bit of a drifter in different spiritual communites. Nothing is ever a perfect fit. And, at this point, not much is even accessible any more. Many past acquaintances have been involved in their own karmic conflicts (with legal matters or power struggles), others have died, and others are incognito.

Mostly, it seems, I am left with the legacy of seekers who have gone. Many from the 90ā€™s lol. Digitized VHS training materials, archived blog posts, lecture casette recordings, old youtube videos etc. It seems almost weird to have a community that is active with these things since so many have disappeared or faded into the background.

But my life was never going to be normal lol. So I donā€™t know if this pulled me from the mundane into the supranormal, as much as it added clarity to things that were hazy. It is much appreciated :pray:


Hi Dream

Looking back I feel as if I was guided to you and to your YouTube channel, then the Enlightened States website and then to the Forum. There are no coincidences, I feel it was meant to be. Even the timing of when I discovered your amazing fields was perfect. When I look back on my life I am grateful for the people I have met and the things I have learnt along the way. Itā€™s like it was all set up and what I mean by this is that I feel the knowledge I gained through those past experiences broadened my mind so that when I discovered your fields I intuitively knew they would help me. The saying ā€œThe teacher will arrive when the student is readyā€ is spot on. When I discovered Sapien Medicine I was ready and your are the perfect teacher. Your fields have literally changed my life in every sphere. The way I perceive the world, the way I think, act, and the way I do things have all changed. Who I was before I discovered your amazing fields and the person I am today are two completely different people.

I moved to the town I currently am living in 6 years ago. When I left my old town I was very much aware that I was starting a new chapter in my life. I remember half way into my cross country journey I had driven through a cloud burst and had to stop to fix a window wiper that had flipped over. I remember the spot I stopped. I remember getting out of my car and walking around it to flip the wiper on the passenger side. I remember the fresh smell of rain. I remember pausing and turning around and looking out at the the view before me and I distinctly remember thinking to myself ā€œOh Jen your life is about to change, it is never going to be the same again.ā€ Shortly after arriving in town I discovered your YouTube channel.

In my old town or should I say in my previous life I remember asking my angels for help. I wasnā€™t happy with my life and the trajectory I was heading in. I knew that if I stayed on that train I was heading for disaster but I didnā€™t know how to get off the train. One night I broke down in despair and asked my angels for help. They (my angels) must have thought amongst themselves ā€œwe know the perfect person who is going to help you. You will meet him in a yearā€™s time but before you do we need to get you off this train.ā€ Thatā€™s when things started happening. What I thought at the time were disasters turned out to be huge blessings in disguise. It was because of those blessings that I packed up my house, left all my friends behind and drove across the country to start the next chapter in my life.

I think you are amazing. I think you are absolutely bloody awesome!! I think you are the best friend I could ever have. Your fields are amazing!! They have healed me and they have transformed my life. Thanks to you I am now starting to see my own inner light. In my past life (previous chapter) I was a diamond in the rough. Just a pebble on the road rolling down hill. Since discovering you and using your fields I feel as if my inner diamond is slowly being polished and just as a diamond has many beautiful facets and colours I am realizing that I too have many gifts, lots of potential and am capable of doing amazing things. My whole perspective has changed. I am realising and seeing just how interconnected we are. How what we do, say and think has an impact on not only ourselves but also on the people around us.

I listen to your fields 24/7. I have an evening playlist, a night playlist, a car playlist and a work playlist.
In my handbag I carry a thumb size laminated image of every single NFT I own. If for some reason I am I am unable to listen to an audio then I will pull out a mandala. Over time I have noticed that I have become more energy sensitive. This for me is mind blowing! Like big time mind blowing. I absolutely love it. I understand that when listening to an audio the field will have an impact on me. That the sound carries and affects my body. I get all of that but what blows my mind is when I hold a tiny little picture between my two fingers and I can sense the energy from that tiny mandala and feel how it is affecting my being. I absolutely love all the sensations that I feel as I work with your fields. Every single one of your audios are filled with love. They all clear out debris and remove limiting beliefs and they are all jam packed with life changing and transformative magic. My life has changed sooooo much and it just keeps getting better and better. There are many, many times I want to pinch myself to see if I am not asleep and dreaming. Itā€™s lots of little things that build on top of each other or stand out on their own. It all depends on my perspective and how I view my life. I could say I havenā€™t yet won the jackpot but that would be a lie because I think that when I discovered you I did actually win the jackpot. Thanks to you I am fortunate to have many audios and quite a number of awesome NFTā€™s. I donā€™t have the skill or the knowledge to say which field is changing my life at any given moment and in what way it is doing that. All I intuitively know and sense is that they are all working together. They are like lego blocks that interconnect with each other to build something amazing.

I have noticed that things in my life are flowing in my favour. For example I will arrive at a shopping mall and wonder where will I park and the next thing a car will pull out and create a space for me. The other day I parked in a small carpark and behind me was a large truck and as I walked by it I wondered how I was going to reverse out of that tight space but guess what when I came out of the shop 5 minutes later the truck was gone and I had ample space. When I am in the shops I always seem to find the right person to assist me or the shortest queue at the checkout counter. I could go on and onā€¦

Quite a number of my NFTs have servitors but I havenā€™t yet mastered how to work with them. In the beginning when I first received each NFT I would talk to them and make requests but later I would forget about them. Looking back I now feel bad that I neglected them. I just wish I knew how to better connect with them. I am sure that they are all helping me even though I havenā€™t interreacted with them recently but I also know that if I did figure out how to connect to them I would benefit immensely from their help.

I love this Forum. I consider it to be my second home and every member to be family. I have learnt so much from you Captain and from each person that has posted. I love the fact that I have finally found a community of like minded people. I love how we just get it and totally understand what is happening or being said as if it is all fairly normal and happens all the time. I really wish that I could find like minded friends locally who I could meet for coffee and discus what I have learnt from everyone without them looking at me as if I have all of a sudden grown horns.

Thank you for your love and for your support. Thank you for being a part of my life. Thank you for creating these amazing fields. Thank you for providing us with life changing tools. Thank you for changing my life and making it a whole lot better. Thank you for being you.


Iā€™ve only been here for a year and it has been a year of great changes for me. Iā€™ve gone really deep into myself and made so many changes that I donā€™t even feel like the same person. Iā€™ve learned how to love myself.

Iā€™m starting to see and sense energy in me and around me. It has been immensely helpful and comforting to know there are others like me. That I am not alone and that I am not going crazy when I hear or see things that others donā€™t.

Iā€™m grateful for the changes and for all the people that have contributed to this community. I have learned so much. And I look forward to continue learning and growing. Iā€™m not a mage with a great army of servitors. But maybe one day I will be now that I see itā€™s possible to shape my reality.


I have been here for a year too. I donā€™t have much magical accomplishments to share, but I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything youā€™ve provided us with!


About two years ago, I discovered scoliosis experimental audio on the sapien medicine channel, and then started to see the forum. Then I discovered that this place is a treasure. It has changed me a lot in terms of beauty, hair,spirituality, and body. I am really lucky to meet you. @Captain_Nemo

Of course, the most important thing is that my fatherā€™s condition is getting better and better recently.

Of course, my brother @Ugninis thank you for your project to fulfill the dreams of some people, including me of course.


Iā€™m gonna copy paste what I wrote here months ago but this how I discovered Sapien Med. Itā€™s a leap of faith and basically out of curiosity (with negative notion because of what lies other said but I wanted to check the channel anyway):

ā€œIā€™m at my witā€™s ends back then, crying because my ears are getting blocked again because of some infection idk.

I discovered Sapien because of a Reddit post slandering him saying heā€™s doing bad stuff on his video. I decided to check on him and Iā€™m like fuck it, gonna use him anyway. I didnā€™t feel anything bad at all, on the contrary, I felt at ease with his video. The thumbnail can just be sometimesā€¦bizarre lol. I looped it and the rest is history.

Yeah, my ears are fine now.

I know Dream prolly hates that post on Reddit but that same post let me discover his fields :sob:. I donā€™t know what to say."

This happened May 2022. Joined the forum like months later. Lifeā€™s better ever since. My worldview and spirituality got shaken up. The channel is the definition of everything is possible.


I donā€™t have armies of services, but Iā€™ve been considering creating more.

I have the magician nft that Iā€™ve raved about on the forum before as the most underrated one (and all you really need for manifestation of specific things), and also the divine tree.

Actually itā€™s made me more caution in the long run - it feels like having a very powerful/high impact tool that WILL work. Using it from a place of ego, hurt, stubbornness etc. Results in me getting things my way, but sometimes, when it doesnt come from an honesy place, getting what you want makes you feel worse.
So for sure I am more careful when I use it.


honestly, as i am aware of the power of servitors and witnessed the power of prayers myself since i am a child, i am very careful or even a little afraid of using them.
i read a lot about the spiritual world, Rudolph Steiner and other spiritual people. i never was into the modern ā€œnew ageā€ stuff. i read about life before and after death, about different layers of every human being, of plants, elemental beings and i have much respect. when i read Otto J Hartmann, living in a 700 year old house right near a church with a huge graveyard under the now touristic public place, i just try not to see who is living with me here. i am sure itā€™s crowdy! i hesitate to ā€œseeā€ too much! and i hesitate to influence.
but what i use are all my invisible physical therapists, cosmetic salons, workout classes, music teachers etc. !!! i love them and they allow me improve myself, stay independent, keep with the so fast changing society.
as my boyfriend is very ill, we live very isolated, and i am always on my own when i go outside. he can not leave the apartment since two years.
so, itā€™s like a have a virtuel space on my own in the apartment and also keep up with the world outside, my workplace etc.
my boyfriends doctor lately said itā€™s a miracle that we still keep living of our own, that i didnā€™t break down and how much he feels how we keep a respectful living together. he said, in such cases, there is no other solution than hospice, for the patient and to keep the partner sane.
we keep being creative and itā€™s a big help that we both know that there is more than what the physical eye can see.
thank you so much for making this possible!




Dream changed me and my life. Iā€™ve been on this forum for 4 years and have been using morphic fields for 6, and no, I havenā€™t solved all my problems, but itā€™s thanks to Sapien that I havenā€™t given up. And I move onā€¦


I think you turned back time and allowed me to feel things that a ā€œstandardā€ adult doesnā€™t feel anymore

Childhood is an amazing period of life when little hearts and minds are in a constant quest to learn and understand the world.
Children are capable of experiencing genuine joy and delight at little things that are no longer so amazing for adults.
They rejoice at the first snow, blossoming flowers or the fluffy tail of a cute kitten, i.e. (@Hauru) :grin:
it is sometimes difficult for us, adults, to penetrate into the secret world of children, which is full of fantasies, mysteries and incredible discoveries
And here, on the forum, all this has become a reality

Very often we do not feel comfortable because we do not live our own life. it seems to us that we act on our own will, but in fact we are under the influence of someone elseā€™s script. we are locked in it, like a bird in a cage.

Thatā€™s how it was until some points in my adult life. I had problems.
I was helped by the books of a medical doctor, a strong energy practitioner, who in his writings formed a model of information medicine, whose patients proved the effectiveness of energy treatment with their recovery.
Later, there were different forums, studying different currents and trying to go deeper into the world of energies
On one of them I came across a mention of your YouTube channelā€¦
Oh my god, I think it was 6-7 years ago.

You have given everyone the opportunity to evolve as much as possible.

thank you for the opportunity to learn anew, to remember the forgotten (and it was in my childhood that my acquaintance with energies began) and to realize my dreams.

This was not the case where I came from (other forums. although they also gave me a lot in the field of knowledge).

thank you for everything. :slight_smile:


Oh yes bro


I donā€™t like typing and talking more than absolutely necessary anymore
But the channel discovery was a critical point for me
My life has completely changed. I have altruism filled in me. Time has dissolved. I donā€™t have anger anymore( I dont contol it, it never rises). Fear attacks me less, Compassion and empathy now feels like the best things in the world to give. Humility is natural. I take nothing seriously and recognize the freedom we always had and were blind to. I now know the immensity of my being and at the same time, the insignificance of my actions and ego

There are multiple things more but all I wanted to do is Thank you, captain, I am very grateful to you and all you have done , for me, for these forum members, for those who follow on youtube and even for those who listened to fields just once, these are powerful enough to create a change in just one listen if the users intention is in harmony

I really would bow to you if we met, Thank you so so much captain


Hello Dream,

I have discovered your work in 2020 through YouTube.

Instantly fell in love with the original Androstenol field.

The typical ā€œSapien Med origin storyā€ of chasing the girls but then quickly ending up on an even deeper spiritual journey. Oh this sneaky Higher Self lolā€¦

Over the past 4 years, I have made more advancements in all life areas (health, wealth, spiritual growth) than in all my previous life before that.

I (or my Higher Self) have certainly skipped several dozen incarnations because of your work and I am (we are) eternally grateful for this!
With your help this may even be very well the last one.

I am using fields on average 15 hours per day but need to meditate much more with them, especially the NFTs.

I was already quite spiritual before discovering your work (hundreds of books, astral projecting, manifestation, radionics etc.), however your fields have not only accelerated everything but have put most things manyfold to the next level!

One can let go of a lot problems and physical items when one has a fields for everything :relieved:

This forum is very important to me and I have learned more here than from hundreds of books.

I have also found many new friends here across the whole planet.

And I also love to write on this forum, because I know that the stuff that I am writing is actually helping specific souls on their path as well.

Sometimes I write what my Higher Self tells me.
Sometimes what my ego wants to express.

The concepts and ideas written down on this forum are never lost, but uploaded into the ā€œAkashic librariesā€, the Higher Selves who are reading this etc. ā€¦so non of this is futile.

The more I go forward on my journey, the more I feel out of place on this planet and with humanity in general.

But also at the same time I am learning more and more of how to succesfully navigate anything that this system comes up with.

Navigate it physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually.

Being human for me is truly a march through the swamp where you have to carefully consider every next step as to not get stuck in the same place for a longer period of time.

I guess me navigating through the swamp, while also looking at the flowers (collecting the experiences) that grow here, is my personal spiritual growth process on this planet.

Having your fields at hand is like having water tight boots and a compass while navigating the swamp.

And from time to time a boat shows up that takes you with it through some of the dangerous swamp areas (the intercessions).

I think that the most important help that I have gotten out of the fields was not the manifestation and the external results stuff, but simply the comforting, the solace, the guidance and the hand holding that they have provided on this journey.

We as souls who incarnate here on physical earth are not noobs who donā€™t know anything about life and reality manifestation.

We are already courageous and powerful.

Rather it is that all that we sometimes need is a word of encouragement, a feeling of being hugged, a moment of solace.

Very often that is all that is needed to go on again.

And I believe that in this regards this is where your fields have helped me personally the most.

THANK YOU :heart:

And sorry for not having visited you last year, I got distracted :cry:

There is always a tomorrowā€¦


From lurking around at the end of 2020 to getting my first field BoL in 2021 and making an account here, from being unhealthy and low on life to feeling better and totally blissed out, from being under confident and anxious to feeling confident and expressive as a human being etcā€¦ I can keep on going this forum has been as important to me as the fields because the people here are just extremely beautiful, warm and helpful. Although I have always been more observant here I feel the knowledge and understanding this forum has here is massively valuable to my journey as a human being. It has really inspired to be the best version of myself, still have a lot to do and to be but I have great gratitude for this forum and everyone here for being their truest and honest selves.
Thank you for making this @Captain_Nemo and @SammyG :purple_heart::purple_heart:


I mean, I have a sense you are asking this to find even more ways of blessing us on the journey ahead. Aside from all the blessings, healings, improvements, and whatnot - the fact that a large group of beautiful souls have gathered to witness this and pariticpate in such a magically enhanced world - its truly outstanding to think about.

For me personally, I have noticed improvements in health, wealth, intuition, relationships, opportunities, cognitive functioning, focus, mindfulness, fitness, and more. The two dragons seem to be growing with me. The guidance from deities is impeccable. I walk differently, interact differently with people. I pereceive differently, with intuitive aid. Thinking back, I was a completely different person seemingly. Yet I know this was part of the journey.

I am honoured to be here. Thank you.

How has it been for you? A decades long journey from the creatorā€™s perspective - how has it been? How has your life changed over the years?

(if you donā€™t mind sharing, of course.)

I wish more people stumble upon this place. I know many people who could benefit.