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The time has come. You can immediately access 24/7 streaming Reiki-fied Caladrius-overseen energy and a variety of cool stuff over at There are a few new water chargers over there, as well. And yes, I will add all reasonable requests eventually.

Note: Please do report on the effects of the streaming energy. If you have trouble connecting, PM me and I will make sure you are connected.


So, first tale is my own. I have been up for two days and am tweaked out. Drank a bunch of coffee at an all night diner last night, but I quit drinking coffee around 18 hours ago.

So I switched off the Lightstream (for myself, temporarily) and am coming down. It may be something I have to get used to sleeping with.

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I dont really understand the thing with the lightstream. Do you mean the reiki stream? And also, what does this stream do?


When you practice Reiki, you learn to channel pure light. While I put Reiki into it, the Caladrius simply maintains it as light, as Reiki is a relatively modern concept. It can channel light from whatever sources or create it as it sees fit.

I turned it back on yesterday morning when I woke up, and I’ve now slept for no more than 2 hours and am back awake. Not even a cup of coffee today.


I dont understand anything, sorry :laughing: thanks anyways

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The Lightstream sends light energy to you.

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Alright that i understand :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Reiki is a way of sending light. I put Reiki in and let Caladrius do it however it wants. :)

Does that make more sense?

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Yep, thank you :slight_smile: im going to subscribe soon

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I own caladrius but i dont know how to work with it. So until i know how to, im going to use your methods :smiley:


The Caladrius Water Charger will help you connect with it.


Ah sounds good, thank you man


This is a place I release energies that might be less appropriate for this forum, or for the public.

Things like “Lucifer Morningstar”, “LSD”, and even a quad of angelic supersoldiers for your protection “The Sword Banishing”. You know, in case you decide to mix the previous two energies and aren’t mentally ready for it.

Obviously, I release only things I believe to be helpful, but keep in mind that not everything is on your path, or needs to be, and there can be purging, and altered states of consciousness.

And you can charge up a gallon of water and drink it an ounce at a time. Or try an ounce and if goats with red fire shooting out of their eyes aren’t coming out of your TV or your butthole after an hour, try more.

I also offer energy healing sessions and powerful rituals at discounted prices to subscribers.


Recently added: The 42 Letter Name of God, Magick Mushrooms, Absinthe Potion.

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New additions: Ho’oponopono, Mana Potion, Potion of Lucid Dreaming, Potion of Past Life Regression

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New additions: 7 main chakras (individual), earth star and soul star chakras.

New additions: Purrgasm, Moksha Consciousness

New additions: Motor Zanon (Reiki Anti-virus), Reiki anti-cancer symbol, Fear Virus Removal Tool

PTSD Healing and Release

Lucid Dreamscape: Rebel Trooper After Endor

Lucid Dreamscape: Halls of The Akashic Records