Buying things to fill a void/feel good

So in my quest to heal myself i have discovered that i have a way to go. As i heal some things, those things make me realize i have more things needed to heal. And I find myself trying to fill a void by buying things to feel good . Material things / fields. Trying to make myself feel good. Faking happiness…

Loneliness might play a part in this. Getting a Job would probably be good for me.

But im wondering are there fields i can use or things i can do to stop this buying of happiness im doing/ getting excited by other things than buying stuff.

and the Mental health album


:point_up: And no buying required there, good call!


cause u got everything u aready want :wink:



Or maybe those things you’re realizing are multiple symptoms of the same thing and then, when you heal that, those symptoms will take care of themselves.

It’s kind of like when you have a blight-ridden bush. You could call the arborist out to cut off each blight-ridden branch–branch by branch by branch as the blight presents itself. That’s certainly one approach.

Or you could treat the blight and then all the branches will take care of themselves.


Maybe :blush:

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Trying to feel a void to fill good. Can you fill up the basket enough so that it is good. So you can feel the void around you of empty basketness. You are the basket. The basket is good. The basket can be filled with void but only because it is not the void.

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Which option gives you more power? Or takes you in a direction you want?

Do you want more stuff to heal? And more fields to buy in order to heal them?

Or do you want only one thing to heal which takes care of everything else?

You get to choose. :wink:

One thing, fix the root.

But I guess everybody does what they can to feel good as much as possible right, if its work, relationship, hobbies. Atleast thats what people do where im from.

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I agree with you for the most part.

The qualification there is that I’ve encountered (sadly) no small number of people who are (for want of a better word) “addicted” to their pain. And a lot of people would rather be right than feel better. (Don’t be like them, please. :slightly_smiling_face: )

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Theres so much negativity and narcisism around me you guys, its a wonder im sometimes in a good mood .