Calcium Field

Hi guys, I’m new here. :) Has Sapien a Field for calcium?


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Not specifically for “calcium,” but they do have fields which affect calcium. If you tell us more about what you’re wanting to accomplish, perhaps we can suggest some of those fields to you.

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I want to grow taller. I’m listening to this subliminal. In the description it says " make sure to get enough vitamin D and calcium, drinking milk before bed will help with that, as well as increase IGF-1." - GOLIATH HEIGHT - Scientific Height Increase Subliminal + Superfield + Supraliminal - YouTube

Thanks for that additional information.

My first thought is they tell you in your quote what to do to get your calcium. You should follow their directions.

The thing is morphic fields like Sapien’s don’t create physical matter. Sapien has said that these fields can’t provide us with the physical raw materials (like calcium) to–say–grow. They can only help use us the raw materials that we provide to get us the results we want.

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Ok thx. :)

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