Can anyone recommend me something for EMF?

I know Dream has audios for this but I want a physical item I can just put and forget about it. Anyone has suggestions?


The free option:

The cheap option:

And the tag:


Does the negative ion generator block them fully?

Anyone has any experience with this:


I think it depends on the level of EMF surrounding you. This one alone wasn’t enough for my city apartment, a skyscraper with dozens of electrical devices surrounding me.

Although wearing the mandala made it more bearable.

@Sims Try this one Before I released it, I have actually tested on me with many devices that had wifi activated and were affecting my body. After I opened this energy my whole body calmed down and the headache and stomach ache started to diminish.

I actually endured some pain from radiation in order to come up with this product and make sure it works. I didn’t stop until I created the energetic signature that was providing me with the most relief from emf harm. This product is the result.

It’s programmed to specifically and directly remove electrosmog.

Yeah, I’m in a big apt building with surrounding EMF towers, need something strong

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Thanks but I’m interested in a physical product

Maitreya has one on her Patreon. It’s a mandala.

Blocks all EMF from wifi, 3G/4G/5G

I use both dream’s and Maitreya’s one :


Also, there is the Plasma Flower! :slight_smile:


Yeah I ended up buying the plasma flower and have it looping 24/7 in a speaker :+1: