Is it possible to charge the water with specific field and drink the same…
Plenty of people work with water.
As a matter in fact, I also work quite often those very same experiences myself.
Usually play Water Chargers, such as V1 and V2. And some fields to accrue to my manifestations.
And afterwards Love, Gratitude & Appreciation Audios (see example below). Or Abundance audios, Vibration Risers, etc…
Water can be a powerful manifestation tool. In fact, highly misunderstood, brings life into existence (physical realm)
Why don’t you experiment? Go on a week where you charge your water as above, and then infuse with a vibration of your choice! Such as self-love, etc… You’ll see your reality being challenged, to say the least.
I’m not allowed to tell you more
In addition to @RisingKundaFest’s post, you might find the discussions below of interest:
From a post in the first thread by Sam from the Sapien team:
Dear me… imagine charging water with VODL
You should give it a go Mr Biceps!
Try for a week or something and report later on. Water is capable of carrying information. Maybe not in its entirety, but nonetheless still plenty
I think I will!
I charge all of my water with water charger, do you think it would be fine to play VODL afterwards?
Yes, I believe so. Even if does not absorb all of it. Plenty should be made available.
Water carries vibrations also, so it should raise nonetheless.
Yes, that’s fine. I have often done that and it feels awesome.
Man, I’m so confused about something right now
I had made a post asking if VODL raises the environments vibration like for example atmospheric vibration riser
And some one said no lol so this would mean it only affects people, water and other elements that can absorb energy?
Awesome! I don’t have time now as I’m going to work but I’ll try it out when I get back!
Raising environments is different than interfering with ordinary objects /things.
You probably have heard that some objects share the history of what happened in a room, right? Depending on the impact of the events they may have absorbed their energy.
Just look at the things where you place your servitors and stuff, generally speaking they can be affected. If not by the field itself, then by you when you interact with them. That’s one of the reasons some civilizations state that you should always touch the food you’re about to eat
never heard of that before! I still don’t understand why though… can you enlighten me further? Is it because you build a relationship with the food by touching it?
I’ve heard some civilizations sing while cooking and how it helps infuse the food with positive vibes
The Vedic way involves:
- Blessing the food with a mantra to purify it with the potency of the Sun
- Energizing it with water to make it potent by invoking the Devas of Water
- Touch it form a brief energetic connection (the food consumed has gross/physical and subtle/energetic essence to it)
- Express gratitude at the end for the great gift of food and water
Wow man, I will pm you a question about this