Can I listen for someone else?

Am I able to listen to a field stack and send the energy to someone else as opposed to myself? I have a loved one (if you read my other post you get it) but there is difficulty in her operating a phone/computer. I have the luxury of being able to listen whenever, and after a few weeks, I’m seeing some changes personally with what I’m working on, but she needs the energy help more than me. She is very open to any assistance, so just wondering!


You can try that, if you’d like, along with the Heal those around you. (Be the healer) Ver 2.0 field. (There are suggestions on that thread which might help you.)


I’m also just now looking into purchasing a pendant, the cognitive functioning one might be best.

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@WellBeing I do that one at times, but I feel like there are so many specific audios that would benefit my mother directly. I play them when she’s around, and she loves it “Oh are you playing those things for me?”. But I want her to do it consistently


If you’re meaning a “dog tag” (which, I think, the Cognitive Functioning might be) the dog tags are no longer available for purchase new. You’ll have to buy a dog tag from some previous owner (perhaps on our Classifieds section?).


oh wow! I did not realize that! Thank you


Well, unless you’re skilled in some other way of transmitting the energy of the fields you’re listening to, I’m not sure how you’re envisioning transmitting that energy/information too your mother without the Be the Healer field or tag.

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Well, I do some EFT (tapping) which can be done as a surrogate, same with PEMF therapy

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I can’t speak to those modalities (or your skills in them) and whether they’d be sufficient in helping you transmit the fields that you’re wanting to listen to your mother.

Thank you for your time!

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It’s so nice that you want to do this for your mother :slight_smile:

Doing it while meditating and redirecting the energy would be possible. However it would require actively doing that while listening to the fields.

If you are a patron member, you could make her a CD?

Another thing to consider is magick. There are some books that have rituals that you can do for someone else (Angels of Omnipotence is a great one for that, every ritual can be directed at another and I have had success in helping friends in need with it) but the one I’ve had the most success with in terms of “dramatic” effects is Archangels of Magick. I noticed that if I release my doubts and firmly believe that what I am asking for will be (and provided the other person doesn’t have resistance to it) it can deliver results that are absolutely incredible.

Good luck :heart:


@Amber3 that’s so cool! I am purchasing now!!
Also great idea with the CD (have to remember how to do that lol)

I love this community

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I use Express Burn by NCH, they have a free one for personal use and it’s really easy to use :slight_smile:

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