Can I listen to morphic fields and subliminals simultaneously?

Can I listen to morphic fields and subliminals simultaneously. Like for example listening to subliminals with headphones while playing a morphic field on my phone speakers.


Yes, you can.
Read FAQ.


From the last time you’d asked this question:


I thought I read on the FAQ on the website that it is advisable not to mix the fields with the work of other creators.

Sammy’s* posts usually have an explanation of the reasoning behind their position. So, if you can locate what you’re recalling and bring it to this thread, you would be contributing to this conversation. For myself, I have no such recollection. In fact, my experience of the readings that I’ve been doing lead me to agree with the answer that I’ve posted above.

The only reason why I could think it’s not a great idea to mix (I don’t think this. I’m just indulging your recollection.) is that, when we mix, it’s hard to tell which tool is having what effect on us. This is particularly true with “subliminals” because often we don’t know what’s in many subliminals.

When you bring me the quote you’re recalling, I can read Sammy’s informed explanation of what he’s meaning. That would be an education for me as well as our friend.

Even still, there’s nothing “wrong” with mixing Sapien fields with products of other creators. There’s a long tradition of such mixing on this forum that pops up in many threads.

*He’s the curator of the website.

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The page looks updated and expanded, but I remember it because ever since I learnt about Sapien’s work I stopped listening to free subliminals on YT as that particular point stayed with me that I should not mix Sapien’s fields with the work of other creators.

Now I’m not sure.

I’m not sure how to respond to your memory, which is transient and ephemeral thing for all of us. The nice thing about our memories is that we, as possessors of the memories, have the freedom, right and ability to update our memories as we desire.