Can I use the mantra audio I am not an Indian?

So i heard that mantras and prayers heal the genetic code but now I am unsure if I can use the mantra field which contains energies from other nationalities? Will it have any negative effect on the DNA if someone uses mantras, prayers or energies from a different nationality?
There are people saying you should f.ex. speak the language of your own ancestors if possible so that your genetic code remains the one from your nationality/ ancestral line and is not mixed or something like that. What do you think about it? Can different spiritual systems become united in someones practice?


That would mean I can’t enjoy Chinese cuisine if I’m not Chinese?


Mantra/Energies are Universial Vibrations that affect all beings equally and not limited to Self-made Concepts such as Nationalities!


but I assumed most people were human here, at least mostly human.
Which means they are related, no?
I mean humans share a lot of genes with apes and mushrooms even.
I just honestly cannot understand this idea/process sometimes.

To think so is a very small way to see the world.
It is an ideological mental prison.
That my thought anyways.

Indians are a mix of people and cultures and languages as far as I know anyways.
I wonder if Tamil people are racist to Guajarati or detest Portuguese descended people in goa.
Hoodoo is only for southern people in the USA, better not be no new yorker.

okay how about this.
Zeus the king of gods, hurls lightening bolts.
Indra, another king of the gods does the same thing.

People are far more connected than the artificial ego driven rhetoric that people use to create artificial borders.


Ok thank you captain for your knowledge. You know, I’m not thinking myself like this, I know very spiritual people how came to high spiritual heights and sometimes I hear such things. Maybe I don’t comprehend it right. Anyways, now I’m relieved thanks to your opinion.

As far as I see, there are still many contradictions in the spiritual world. I know very highly evolved spiritual people who, f.ex. talk about Karma. Then there are others saying that its just a concept which is not true. Both have spiritual experience, both have access to higher knowledge/ or akasha chronics or whatever one wants to call it. Still, I wonder why there are so many contradictions. Some say that worlds events and world history are determined by morphic fields or by entities from other worlds, wheras others say that the cause of worlds events in history are the collective consciousness and they dont talk about entities at all.

However, I’m still thankful that we have people like you, Captain.


As the captain said, that type of belief is like an ideological mental prison for you. If we remember that we all live on the same planet and that countries are actually imaginary conceptions, they may have different shapes and colors if you see them on a map but in real life it is the same earth, the same sky. Despite being the same species, we look different due to climatic, geographical and dietary factors (epigenetics). Cultures are different but who says you are limited to only experiencing the culture where you were born?

From another point of view, let’s think about past lives and reincarnation, it is very likely that you have been of all ethnicities in your past lives and that inheritance should still be stored in your soul. I recommend that you try the mantras and judge for yourself whether it benefits you or not, if not, you won’t feel anything and if it does, you will have its benefits.

People from all over the world use and have used mantras with success, the truth is I had not heard the idea that it was something exclusive to India.

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what a minute… So there is a historical link between Portugal and Goa?!
That may explain why Goa psytrance is popular in Portugal !

Sorry for going off-topic! :)

PS: If anyone is going to Boom 2024, feel free to DM! I have been wondering what it would be like to integrate DW fields when I am … :) They should do a workshop for that!


Of course you can, but you’re not obliged to, you have a choice which rituals or practices you like, which ones you stick with, etc.

For example, The “Our Father” Prayer, it came from Ancient Isreal, from a people who believed in different things and had different traditions than all the people of Europe and Northern Africa and they were quite unique even compared to their neighbors (in some aspects), yet that prayer, also the beliefs and rituals that were practiced by Jesus’ Followers made it to the WHOLE of Europe and Beyond, and it shaped their Destiny, their ways of living drastically changed, in some cases, while in other cases, it was more like an add-on, like the cherry on top, in many places, people mixed their old beliefs and traditions with the Newer Judeo-Christian Ones…

So, Christianity was adopted, same for Islam, which spread from Arabia, also languages, clothes, fashion style, music, food, meditation, rituals, animal breeds, and people themselves, they were always on the move, always exchanging things between them, Including DNA.
So yeah, you can obviously use Mantras, if you want to.

This, I Agree with Jay.

Yep, India was never fully united, until recently, and as Captain said

Also, there were quite a few conquests on the Subcontinent, from Alexander the Great, to Muslim Dynasties of (Turkic-Persian-) Mongolian descent, to Portuguese and the British Empire; Indians also fought between themselves, as I said they and the surrounding areas have not been one single body, until in modern times; here’s a link, if you want to read about Portugugal - Goa connection and it’s history:


There is DNA Repair, Plasma fields, Flower of Life, Blueprint of Life…I don’t know what other fields are there for “healing DNA”. Probably the Eternal and Caladrius/Nestling.

But I’m sure many can help, and many fields contain genetic modifications too.

You may want to look into those.

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I’m Vietnamese and I use mantras all the time. They are a blessing and I am grateful for how well they work. Give them a try.


Unfortunately, This exists but not limited to tamil and gujaratis. But it’s more like racism coated with humor where both parties laugh it out but ofc it can hurt and create problems.


My personal opinion is that it works the other way around : noone is restricted to traditions or practices of his/her ancestors, but it may be easier to connect with traditions and get good at practices that one’s ancestors cultivated.

But, in your past life you could be of any nationality or culture, so you might get "buffs’ that way too

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Aniki !

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And it works very well for @This_Boy_Here because of a few reasons.

  • He is incredibly focused and disciplined in his mantra practice
  • He learns the right pronunciation, researches and puts in the work
  • His meditation skills take it to the next level - an aware, mindful practice is extremely effective, compared to mechanical, mindless chanting
  • Has a lot of love and connection with the Goddess, and so she reciprocates back similarly. Faith, love, devotion, surrender - call it what you may, but this is the “x” factor that elevates practice to an advanced level