Can jing increase sperm count?

I got a low sperm count and was wondering if playing jing about 10-20x a day would help?
Increased sperm also increases testosterone and makes androgen receptors more sensitive.
And does it also increase magnetism/attraction?

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Luteinizing hormone and Follicle-stimulating hormone audio from his patreon for sure will.


Yeah i already have that but was wondering if jing could plus im 16 so i can only use it like once a day which doesnt make enough of a difference

How many times can i listen to it?

Don’t play jing 10-20x times… 3x is fine… Seriously, for your age thats dangerous.
For the sperm count use this:


Have you reduced your… habits?

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I agree. There’s no audio that’s more suitable for this purpose.


2-3 is the general guideline for all audios. This applies to this as well, unless otherwise stated in the description (and as I recall, there was nothing).


Yeah man my libido has gone really low this is the easiest streak ever.

link can’t find , have other spaien office link can listen?

have link? (Luteinizing hormone and Follicle-stimulating hormone audio)
thank you

Bone Marrow Strengthening and Enhancement (

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Luteinizing hormone and Follicle-stimulating hormone | Patreon

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thank you so much

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