Can one be multiple archetypes of Jung?

Notice that I almost always write “transcend” as transcend/integrate/balance the blah blah…
(That’s not on accident)

Far too often people want to “transcend” something…meaning “bypass” it without having to “balance/integrate” those things.

So to be clear “Transcending the ego” also means “balancing/integrating” the Ego.
The Ego is this case can be represented as the 12 zodiac signs, the 12 aspects of the disciples, the 12 Jungian archetypes, etc, etc.

There are slower and faster ways of doing this.

To quote a well-known biblical verse

" For everything there is a season, A time for every activity under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to harvest.

This is saying the same thing as @Septimus said above.

And yes, it takes 99.9999999% of people several lifetimes to “balance/integrate/transcend” all the different aspects of the Ego… however one wants to represent them.

(See posts about Ego represented as Bull )