Can stacking audios in tabs work?

Let’s say I want to stack this video in specific (Extreme Fat Burn: Thermogenic Weight Loss (psychic/morphic energy programmed) - YouTube) or any sapien medicine publically available field, Would I be able to do this from playing let’s say two tabs of the video at once, Would this equate to 2 listens at once is what i’m trying to figure out, currently i’m trying 4 tabs of the same video playing at once.

Please see FAQ. Your question is answered there.

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Could you possibly link me the thread I can’t seem to find it currently

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:point_right: :point_right: :point_right: grafik

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Official Sapienmed FAQ (Updated)

And welcome back


It will just be the same one field, maybe even messed up due to the audio overlapping itself, probably not functioning at all



If you need to do so, one dedicated hardware for one field.