I was wondering since am starting now to use sapiens grow taller subliminal 2.0
Can you do download the subliminal?
Because I want to use it all night while I sleep to get fast result
And even sometimes during the day while am using my phone still listen to it in the background
But as you know you can’t do it if you’re listening to the subliminal (or the energetic audio) through YouTube
So can you download this new grow taller version or will it mess up the frequencies ?
And if yes
in which format ?
And by the way am using AirPods while I sleep to listen to the grow taller audio
Will the Bluetooth mess up the frequencies ?
Please read this FAQ.
It might change the frequencies and programming within the audio if you download it.
Most of Sapien Medicine’s audios are available on Patreon, including Grow Taller, in a downloadable format that definitely work, each audio on Patreon has been remade by Sapien himself.
The Bluetooth will not mess up the frequencies, this has been confirmed by Sapien Medicine.
Unfortunately not but the cost is fairly small. Patreon costs 4.50 USD each month one chooses to contribute. Most of the Youtube audios and many of the paid Gumroad audios are available to download freely after joining and it’s a great way to support the Sapien team, if you’re able.