Captain, new Idea for amazon

I am all out for doing unique stuff, will charge up the hookahs and energy space
the product.

We can even have some dragons statues in the front with some dragon servitors.
Then you can also use the name sapien medicine as (I mean as you can put somewhere in fine print below lol)
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Iā€™ll get to you in some years hopefully and talk about it, have to be at a position first to make this thing reality

its pretty easy to get this product into production and just call it Sapien Medicine Tabaco you know, but feel like there could be some problems with getting it aproved as a legit name for a tabac brand haha

another nice suggestion would be ā€œSapiens Spa Centerā€ lol imagine that, well I can imagine it;)
Sapiens Wellness center

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@PatronSaintBiceps make a gym with Sapiens help bro

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and man germany is in a good spot lol, never thought there would be so many in this country who would know about it
pretty happy to hear about it

Infuse all the weights with soul restoration for the subnaval and Gregorian chants! lol

Atmospheric vibration riser and transformers through the gym

Love appreciation and gratitude whenever you look at the mirrors


ah come on man, we gotta play dirty, every weight has anabolic field in it!
nah im joking haha but the vibe in the gym should be gregorian chants and soul restoration with jing,chi,shen boosters


superhero stuff too ? ā€œmaking comics books a realityā€

embody their consciousnessā€™ etc.

too manys too little justice.


This was one of the original ideas actually,

I wanted to make healing rooms, vibrational rooms.
Room portals

Ascension/high vibrational chambers.

A well with charged life giving youthifying water that ponce de leon would approve of lol.


a hot spring will sound nice if you say it like that, like I said man, if I get to have that much money and can do things like that Iā€™ll hit you up if that will be possible in the future, but I donā€™t mind if somebody else does these things
like healing ground where the hot spring is but the future will show what it has in stores :D

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Sounds wonderful man :star_struck:

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the ideas are out,
as a seed, it simply needs to take root.

So it shall be written, so it shall be done


you need to talk to @FBI_cyber_division

a suggestion, of course his choice as well.


oh and yes man, I mean this could sound a little complex but about what energeticly programmed tattoos, would that work ?

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Yes, but tattoos are so very damaging to oneā€™s auric fieldā€¦if people only knew


we can make laptop stickers of such morphic fields? i want to decorate all over haha!

@Dreamweaver, while reading my comics books, i can even have a morphic field bookmark of that superhero or character #superherothesapienmedicineexperience!!


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well lets say we get the toxic shit out of it and make the skin of the person a little bit different to reduce harm

Does the damage depend on their sizes and numbers?


Well, letā€™s say (or hope) that mine is only slightly damaged, thenā€¦ :p