

Interesting music… Don’t think I missed what you said about mmorpg :wink:


From what I understand, this is not a SARM, does not suppress hormones, and only causes cancer growth in extremely high doses (55mg) study in mice. No side effects show in human studies.

The recommended cutting cycle is 10mg a day for 6-8 weeks.

As always proceed with caution, 2-3x a day max. I’m sure Dream put some stuff in there to make it a little more safe for us.


A note to no one in particular but to anyone who needs to hear it:

If you’re going to do research, don’t half-ass it.
Do REAL research.
We literally have the Library at Alexandria at our fingertips in the form of the internet.


This is literally the exact same video I posted in the LGD 3303 thread BUT I’m posting it here starting from the beginning.

Please watch the full video (again if need be) as it addresses the “cancer” issues of Cardarine


@Captain_Nemo the music for this is awesome :clap:t3:


If it causes cancer i said “if” i think dream know already in the case he might not do it or he might added anti cancer to it so no worries

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it doesn’t, if you use it properly,
but its the same concept like say HGH.
its a growth hormone… yes it will cause cancer to grow, obviously its a growth hormone.
But you produce this naturally, if you have existing cancerous cells etc.
Any kind of growth factor is gonna cause growth.


Thanks Dream for insight

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i think the effect of HGH or Cardarine and even NGF will affect the growth of cancer only if already cancer exist in your body like every other cell. because they promote growth. so if you have no cancer, then no growth cancer.


This is no joke.

Just finished a 10-hour shift, 6 hours of sleep. 85°F, I haven’t run in over three weeks, and when I do, I don’t find myself pushing it, and when I do, it takes a lot to do so. Anyways this is day one of Cardarine.

I’m a “Sprinter,” so this isn’t really my area but definitely can see myself gaining a lot from using this audio and others from this album.

I can’t wait to run tomorrow in a more running environment.


Yeah so…haven’t done any “typical” endurance activities…but lets just say, one can see the “endurance” and “recovery” in other areas immediately. ;)

I’ll just post my own self congratulatory gif… :rofl:


Grr… Took less than 5 minutes of “research” to find this -.-

Cardarine Side Effects

Now that we have gone over the benefits of GW 50156, let’s take a look at the side effects.

Cardarine went through a lot of studies and research. So far, only one side effect was revealed and that is:

  • Accelerated development of cancerous tumors

The 2007 GSK (GlaxoSmithKline) conducted a study that showed an accelerated cancerours tumor development in rats that were taking Cardarine.

Some people are very skeptical of this study because they used absurd dosages of Cardarine for extremely long cycle periods. Since 2007, there have also been a lot of studies that are contradictory to the one that showed cancer development. Basically, the whole thing is a bit controversial.

Let’s go over this in-depth and explain when you should and when you shouldn’t worry about this.

Cardarine Cancer

The thought of Cardarine accelerating the development of cancerous tumors is the reason why a lot of people aren’t using it even though it might be great for them. But are we really in the risk of developing cancer if we cycle GW 50156?

As of 2020, there have been 0 cases of documented cancer in people linked to Cardarine. Still, you need to be carefu and know everything about this compounds correlation to cancer. Let’s dive right in.

When it comes to the topic of Cardarine causing cancer, we have a lot of studies to look at.

On one side, we have the study that most of you already know. It was responsible for the discontinuation of Cardarine in 2007. Basically, it showed that the rats who were given Cardarine experienced fast development of cancerous tumors.

On the other side, we have a bunch of newer studies that proved that Cardarine doesn’t cause cancer at normal dosages for normal cycle length. In fact, the studies proved that at normal dosages, Cardarine has anti-cancer properties.

These studies are:

To better explain this, let’s first go over cycle length and the dosages that the rats were given in the 2007 study.

What Cycle Length And Dosages Did Rats Get

A lot of people and a ton of websites claim that the rats were given a huge amount of Cardarine. Some of them are just listing random numbers like 50x, 70x, or even 100x the recommended dosage. But what dosages did they actually get?

The lowest dosage at which neoplastic was found in rats (neoplastic is just another word for tumors or cancerous tumors) was at 3mg a day.

Now let’s turn this 3mg a day dosage in rats to a human equivalent dosage (HED). We will use the human equivalent dose calculation based on body surface area from ResearchGate (picture below).

Human Equivalent Dose(mg/kg) = Animal Dose(mg/kg) x [Animal Km / Human Km]

= 3 x (6/37)

= 0.48 mg/kg

Where Animal Km is 6 for rats, and 37 for humans, and 3mg is the lowest dose where neoplastic findings were found.

For a 190 pound / 85 kg person, this is the equivalent of 40.8mg per day. Or 43.2mg per day for a 90kg person.

So as you can see, the dosages used were about 4x bigger than the recommended dosages, not 100x or 50x as some people claim.

Another important thing is the cycle length used in the study. The study ran for 104 weeks, which is about 13x more than the maximum recommended cycle length of 8 weeks.

To summarize, the dosages used in the infamous rat study were 3x higher than recommended and the length of the study was 13x longer than the recommended cycle length.

Keep in mind that it took all of this, 3x higher dosages, and an absurd cycle length for cancer to show up.

If you take normal dosages and stick to normal cycle length, you will almost certainly be fine. Some recent studies even confirm this, let’s look into them.

Cardarine Has Anti-Cancer Properties – Study

This GW 50156 study proved that Cardarine doesn’t cause cancer at high dosages and short cycle lengths.

I recommend that you read the study for yourself if you are interested, it’s very long and in-depth. If you don’t have the time, however, let me summarize it for you.

Neither GW compound increased cell growth or phosphorylation of Akt and no increase in the expression of VEGF or COX2 were detected in any cancer cell line in the presence or absence of serum. Similarly, liver, colon and colon polyps from mice administered these compounds did not exhibit changes in these markers.

Essentially, this study proved that Cardarine doesn’t cause the development of cancerous tumors even at high dosages for normal periods of time. Not only that, the compound was shown to actually have some anti-cancer properties in this period.

They used dosages comparable to taking 154mg a day as a 90kg person. These high dosages didn’t show any signs of cancer development at cycle lengths of 7 days.

Basically, this means that high dosages for normal periods of time won’t cause cancer and we could assume that the reason cancer occurred in the 2007 rat study was because of the absurd cycle length (104 weeks), not the high dosages or maybe a combination of the two.

Cardarine Cancer – Conclusion

Let’s summarize the topic of GW 50156 causing cancer.

Yes, Cardarine can cause cancer, but only if taken at high dosages (over 40 mg a day) for a very long period of time (104 weeks in the case of 40mg a day). Obviously, a 100mg a day dosage could cause cancer sooner, at 50 weeks.

If you take Cardarine correctly and stick to normal cycle lengths and dosages, you wont have any problems. In fact, a study actually proved that GW 50156 actually has anti-cancer properties if taken accordingly.

This redditor also adds a very nice point to all of this:

As of 2020, there have been no documented cases of cancer in humans linked to Cardarine. I assume that this is the case because nobody is taking it for 104 weeks straight at 40mg a day.

Make sure to follow these two rules to be safe:

  • Normal cycle length (maximum of 8 weeks)
  • Normal dosages (maximum of 15-20mg a day)

Perdon me, what benefit an average fatty guy can get from this audio?


Rapid Fat Loss if combined with exercices

Most likely, you are interested in Cardarine (GW 50156) just because of the fat loss benefit.

Similar to increasing endurance, Cardarine provides us with the benefit of fat loss in two different ways:

  1. Increased oxidative capacity in muscles – This means that we will burn more calories when exercising than we normally would without Cardarine.
  2. Suppression of Glucose metabolism – switching energy source from Glucose to fat . – This one is pretty self-explanatory. By switching the energy source from glucose to fat, we are able to directly burn off fat instead of first burning off the excess glucose that our body stored. In fact, the effect is very similar to a very strict ketogenic diet, but without actually doing the diet.

Lot’s of animal testings done on rats proved Cardarine helps a lot when it comes to fat loss. The studies showed that the rats that were on GW 50156 dropped 5% body fat more than the rats that weren’t taking the compound.


Day 1 results: mannnnnn so today was leg day, and my entire work capacity and strength sky rocketed, In each lift I was moving more weight than my last session, Usually this sort of progress happens for me in the span of weeks, not one work out to another lol. I’m soooo excited for my next work out, I feel like a million bucks!

P.S I listened like 4 times last night and 3 times today with LGD and other hormones, and I can already see I’m leaner :grinning:

@Captain_Nemo u da best!


I’m afraid to ask… :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil:

What’s your current stack? (Just waiting on Patreon release of this to go super nuts…like…umm… certain people who may or may not be you) :stuck_out_tongue:

edit… just your workout/hormone stack please :slight_smile:


Is it “Body on Ketosis” without doing the Keto Diet?


Haha sir yes sir!

When I wake up

I listen to LGD twice
Then right after I eat breakfast I listen to testosterone booster twice then one listen of gynecomastasia 2.0
Followed by luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone twice

I have my servitor engorge me with jing through out the day every now and then (I also have him do this through out my work out session and chi too since I draw chi to my muscles during sets)

Before the gym

I have my servitor engorge me with jing and chi through out this hole stack
HGH once
Androstenol once
LGD twice
Nitric oxide boost
Diabetes treatment twice
AMPK once or twice (If I have time, I don’t have time usually lol)
DHT twice
Subconscious limits removal once
Angelic vibrations once (do you think Gregorian Chants will be better? Some one on here told me angelic vibrations is better for my cause and I stopped using Gregorian chats… I really miss the chanting, it made me feel like I was preparing for holy war :frowning: )
Hand of glory x1

During The gym

I listen to the automated work out series four times through out my detail work outs after my heavy/main lifts but sometimes I forget and I just listen to them back to back at the end
I listen to Norepinephrine three times spread throughout out my main lifts
I also ask st Michael, Thor and my dragon to work together to help me destroy sets before I start them and I feel the difference every time I do
I’m going to add pranayama training a few times during a work out and hyperbaric oxygen therapy once or twice inbetween the other fields, maybe I’ll just get my dragon to do that for me

After the gym

After work out recovery two or three times
Extreme muscle growth twice
Gynecomastasia once
DHT once or twice

During sleep (I have a dedicated section for bodybuilding in my pm playlist)

Testosterone boost once
Extreme muscle growth once
Hormone regulation (reduce estrogen) once
Super human mutant once
Induced sestrin four times
Utter muscle relaxation two times
Alien intercessions twice ( I have a note besides my phone asking for muscle growth, alien roids, fat loss, mutations ect)
Collagen once


I listen to all of the food and water charging stuff and I listen to enhanced cellular absorbtion twice a day followed by utter muscle relaxation each time, I listen to myostatin a few times every other week, and I’m going to start listening to these fields again in the coming days since I’m getting serious again and refocusing : vitamin D production three times in the morning (best time to have vitamin D), gluthiathone twice a day and anti oxidant formula maybe once a day

And I’m going to start listening to a lot of fat related stuff because I’m beginning my cut, so that’s going to take up a few hours worth in my sleep playlist

(Out of likes bro)


Damn, this stuff is pure gold. I’m an endurance athlete (runner/mountaineer) always looking for ways to improve my vo2 max/endurance.

I felt a huge difference in my stamina in just one day. Heart rate was a lot lower than usual. Also noticed my muscles were popping way more. The fat burn is quick, especially with exercise.

Photo from the run up South Sister (Three Sisters Wilderness) a volcano in Oregon


Nice pyramid in that 2nd pic…or did you already know?