Cell death cycle in covid survivors WON'T STOP

Um. My home is very moldy. It’s been like that all my life. But since covid came. I never experience something like this.


Listen to the audio
*Restoration from the Long Haul
and read its thread,
I give reccomendations for stacks.

Since then we also have
*Knight Errant Virus slayer/paid
and others


Blueprint of life if it’s DNA related.

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Ok. I recommend if you can, find a NAET practitioner. And get “balanced” or treated for mold.

This technique stops your brain, subconscious, nervous system seeing it as a threat/allergen.

Then the mind-body does not react to it.

You then if you choose, you can use binders to detox the mold.

But with NAET, it first stops the body reaction happening.

You can have NAET on all kinds of substances, chemicals, environmental.

I’ve used this modality 2 seperate occasions in my life in it is mind blowing.

NAET stands for Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Techniques

And use sapien fields to support your body - fungus destroyer, alcohol processing, detox etc


Thank you for your unconditional support. But honestly if I die because of mold. Let it be. I’m just surrounder at this point in my life. Death is acceptance that I don’t fear at all


At the Free Level, I use DNA Repair, Glutathione, Recovery from long haul, the vitamin C and D, and almost any field with regeneration in the title.

Lots of other fields on Patreon. I use all the recent organ fields

Paid fields. I will soon sessions with some of the three day rental fields. I use Max Heal all the time.

I think it’s also important to address spiritual and emotional health, but there are too many fields to list that address those issues.

It’s important to keep in mind that Covid is not the worst thing that humanity has faced or will face.


I understand that death is not to be feared.
But physical death by mold can take really long and will be very painful.
I highly recommend you look for a solution for your own sake :pray:


Also recommended Patreon Ivermectin field


The fungi apocalypse and Max Heal are also great fields if you suspect a fungal infection. But definitely go get checked out. A lot of fungal infections can be wiped out by anti-fungal medications.


I have that field. Been using it for a year. No idea. Still have itchiness.

Atopic to nontopic dermatitis field might resolve the itch.

It’s also in my stack. And I don’t see the reduction of itchiness still

Parasite destroyer?

Hyperbaric compressor might be worth a try



And because of that I’m also routinely listening to plasma bioactive beach once a day.

Infrared light therapy can destroy fungus. There are fields for that, but there are also devices that you can get.

Yes that one also on my stack. Honestly. I should just get professional check up and see if it’s fungus or whatever.


Yeah. That seems like the best way forward.

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Ever tried Kanpu Masatsu?