Charisma and glamour or androstenol to get female attraction?

Plz tell me about your results with these audios and which of them do you prefer for female attraction?

Androstenol for instant attraction. Charisma and glamour could be better long term, although it may not be as useful depending on the situation.

Im gonna jump right into this even tho i am a woman lol

Reason why its because tho we women might feel attracted to the whole ‘alpha’’ aura, it has way more strong impact if a man is: confident but not arrogant in the sense that is not chasing/being too much or that needs to show off the extras to get our attention, and if your inner beauty coming from the soul and heart exudes outwards. And this is without having to approach us or talk or make us laugh any of that, but these 2 things def make us turn our eyes and attention to any man then other things come after. So my suggestion:

Because focusing just on chemistry or physical attraction or pheromones could work initially but then what? If you dont have these other components you dont get too far…


How about Knight Mindset?

Throw in some Emotional Release to release any hurt you’ve accumulated in past relationships (including with your parents). And get your body’s immune system strong and healthy.


I second what @anon26869922 just said : be and love yourself so you can be loved.

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thank you, you are right. This lock-down made me insecure.


Try the star tarot , it’s a little easter egg ;)


Hello Friend! Great question of course, if I only refer to your question regarding both audios without taking into account the final result of your objective, I could say the following:

  • Androstenol makes you more solid, confident, dominant, daring, fearless and you don’t care about being rejected or loved. LOL

  • Charisma and glamor I bought it just to experiment at work and actually this field makes me laugh a lot because I laugh at myself and the situations I experience around me. Honestly, if you apply it to girls, it will help you lose your fear of speaking or the famous social anxiety will decrease a bit. Finally this field will help you to be a more social person in general.


Be careful with androstenol, it’s like a nitro for gasoline engines :sunglasses:

When you are going out or when you are somewhere around women just loop unconditional androstenol and let us know here your results;)

Don’t worry about playing it too much, it’s unconditional love, nothing wrong won’t happen to you.


@anon26869922 is right. Better be liked for who you are than who you aren’t . It’s tiresome to keep pretending just to keep someone’s attraction.

These are good videos right here, and should make you feel good inside too, which matters a lot more. Enjoy mate