Claiming smilodon

How can i claim my nft when ive bought the smilodon via phantom ?

As far as I know you should receive an email with instructions

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Ok i think I got it without using any wallet… It just Said claim nft in an email…

But im just thinking, wouldnt it work just sharing the picture here to everybody?

No, because the field is keyed to the owner of the token. The field only works for the owner of the NFT token. That’s why we can post the pictures freely on the NFTs original Image Download thread without worrying about unauthorized use of those NFTs.

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I only claimed a nft i didnt see anything about a token

It’s in your wallet. That’s what your wallet is for. (Sounds like you want to learn about NFTs.)


I’m sorry if I sound like an ass but I’m astonished some people don’t read before buying something…


Thats okay, it didnt sting.

I read about the nft, but Im new to buying/selling nfts so go easy on me :innocent:

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