Closing a Chapter: Sapienmed's Farewell

It has been an honor to be part of Sapien since 2015. All things must come to an end eventually.

All the best to Dream and everyone included in this journey. Thank you!!


Sapien, thank you for everything.
Ever since 2019, just before COVID-19 happened, you, Apold Subliminals, subliminal creators, Maitreya Fields, you all saved my life. You made it easier. You made me able to connect with Tiamat and the other gods. I’ve been able to call Neith and all the divine spirits.
You’re the reason everyone is alive.
I can’t believe this is over. I don’t want to believe. Right now Thoth told me “Express your gratitude and ask how to continue Dream’s story”. I don’t know what it means.
I have barely been active, only lurking in the shadows, enjoying the things you do, buying your items. And I loved every single moment. I had gorgons sent my way, and Sapien’s fields saved me.
I’m sorry, but I can’t just believe that the dreamweaver decided to stop weaving.

I feel devastated. I truly am. All of the beautiful things in my life, me hoping for a future, it’s because of you Sapien. And this community.
Right now I’m with Thoth telling me it’s okay but deep down it really isn’t.

I’m still happy that, I thoroughly enjoyed Sapien’s creations, and that they’re still here. But honestly, I truly appreciated everything. Even in my private life, Sapienmed’s creations have saved my life in many and all ways. It gave me hope for the future. It gave me awareness. It gave me strength. It helped me heal, and still helps me live through life.

Who is going to continue his story? Shall we ever see another “Sapien Medicine”? There’s so many questions, and I’m really wondering.

But I want to thank you Sapien, and everyone else. You’re the reason why I keep hoping. I am so grateful for everything. It feels so weird now to see that your favorite healer is gone now.
Don’t you all agree?
I think I need Tiamat to help me out at this point haha… :sob:


Thanks for everything :) just like most people here, Sapien & the team arrived as a huge blessing in my life. I can truly say I have grown and learned a lot, & feel more empowered naturally :) that in itself is the most precious gift. Thank you, thank you, thank you :slight_smile:

I do have a question… :D I had 2 fields in my cart in gumroad right before the gumroad was taken down. After refreshing the products still stay in my cart. If I purchase these will I still be taken to the download link? Haha such a gamble but for Sapien it is worth it!

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As of right now, the premium subscription fields don’t seem to be working for me anymore. My subscription was supposed to renew yesterday. It seems when the period you’ve paid for is up, those fields don’t work.

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This is the moment

  • when not even one selfish thought crosses my mind.
  • when the words ‘Thank you’ are the most sincere and have depth beyond words can describe.

this in itself is a blessing. I wish you utter peace and blessings in whatever direction life takes you.

I think I myself will take a bit of a break from everything and maybe just do my mundane work, eat, sleep, get up and repeat. chop wood carry water style.

The funny thing is that about a week before the community hack, my personal server got hacked too, and other bunch of negativity happened in my life ‘out of nowhere’. I broke down, and seeing the SM incident was the tipping point for me mentally… I lost faith in so many things, but it was also a strange way of ‘letting go’. Idk what’s going to happen next. Nevertheless, I’m glad for the ride.


To answer the questions I can.

  1. Yes I would recommend downloading them, in video or audio format just to be sure, but as now both channels are up and running on Odyssey.
    Patreon has no posts and they say the account is inactive. If you have email links to the downloads those will work, but the posts are gone.
  2. Gumroad is blank and Im told no new plans to upload.
  3. Once someone is out in the universe, it will still keep working if you have it/own it.
  4. Not sure about ko-fi, see point 3 on old audios.

Hope this helps.


I have the patreon version downloaded to my devices. If it’s okay to share with you a copy of it then I can send it to you although I have not tried sending them to someone yet. Just pm me.

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This is sad…:frowning: thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you x 1million times.

A million roses to you, Dream, for contributing so much to humanity. :rose::rose::rose::rose::rose::rose::rose::rose::rose:


Also, does anyone know if we can still buy some tracks before it’s all gone? Will patreon or gumroad be restored temporarily to allow us to purchase beloved items one last time?


Only teespring is available at the moment

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Some info can already be found in this thread. Albums are still available on YT and i grabbed a few on amazon music. Sammy said earlier that gumroad might come back briefly, but who knows when

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May I have virus disruption field if it’s allowed??
I always used the one on YouTube, and didn’t download it from Patreon…
Thank you

I hope so! I really want to grab tonic 31🩵🩵🩵

Please confirm if it’s allowed to share patreon files then pm me and I will try to help.

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You can’t…

Okay thanks for responding.

We have to stick to what we have or dont have on our devices.
Very good if you Sammy and guys.:heart:

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I think just premium, paid or patreon specific files you cant share further than family. But i feel that if the audio was available on YT you should be able to share it.


Come on,Sammy​:blush::hugs:

I’ve decided I am going to keep the forum up. To maintain, I will be likely be setting up a patreon or something of the sort soon. I haven’t got it all figured out yet but I will soon.

Making this announcement yesterday made me realize that although I didn’t fully accomplish my vision for this place, I did succeed in creating a sanctuary that people can find comfort in. And I don’t find it right to take that away from people. So this place will live on and continue thriving in new and transformative ways.