So i read somewhere on this forum that it is better to wear only 1 or 2 tags at the same time because they will work slower the more fields you use. Im curious wheter combining 2 tags that work well together would still slow down each individual effects since there are the big items such like “essence of beauty” and “eternal bliss” that have so many fields of them. Now when we combine i.e. “the matchmaker” with let’s say the “social mastery” wouldn’t both of these fields add to each other like sun&moon? It would make sense if something like “the social mastery” and “shielding protection” would not quite make a good combination for that manner.
Does anybody here have enough experience to confirm these “half-truths”?
I didn’t use SM with Shielding. But I did use MM with Shielding. They complemented each other well. Glamour helps people to see you as what they would like to see you as. Depending on the person you are with at the moment, you may or may not like what they want to see you as. So Shielding covers the other half of the equation. But if you like how they see you, shielding shouldn’t detract from the relationship; it shouldn’t cause any “aura of fear” to kick in with anyone unless they want to harm you. And if that does show up, then you would probably be glad that Shielding helped you spot it.
Hey @Atreides thank you for your answer , may i ask how many fields you carry around usually throughout the day? Everyone is different of course but how many fields work best for you to still beable to see the effects for each and every one of them?
4 to 6 is a good number for me. Even with 8 I can notice them all working but some work better together. Not noticing the effects as well isn’t just about the number, it’s also about the particular combination. With MM I didn’t notice Shielding Protection’s aura of fear nearly as much. It wasn’t working less. When people were glamoured, aura of fear didn’t need to do anything, its conditions weren’t met to require it taking action. It was still working just as much as always.
that’s actually more than i thought. thank you for your thourough answer the only thing
i don’t quite get about the Matchmaker is that it says it makes you produce pheromones.
This is quite irritating to me because that means it is constantly drawing from my estrogen ( for you it’s testosterone). Like pheromones don’t come about from nothing or am i wrong?
this is horrible because women with too low estrogen and men with too low testosterone suffer from it.
I never thought of that. I’m not sure. I didn’t notice any problems. A routine blood test could be in order. Especially for anyone who is older. But that’s probably the case regardless.
We must thing logically and we must match the
Tags .example a great combination for me is matchmaker with inner beauty tag.
The human resonance with vibrational enchaled
I combine BPIL with Intersession and they work perfect.
Dream has told me 4 tags max is recommend if i dont want to overwhelm my body but he also always says just listen to your body and try and see.
What i dont do is wearing them while listening to audios that are to enhance or work on my energy because it feels heavy ive even felt nauseous a couple of times. And ive noticed that the fields work faster when i dont wear the tags. So theres that.
Hey bro, has it always been this way for you? Did you have to work your energy up to allow the free flow of the fields effects? Even though I haven’t received any yet (patiently waiting🙄) I have a nice little stack on the way - MM, shield, lion, SLR, BPIL and intercession. I’d like to wear all of them except MM on the daily… some ill get before others so they will have a chance to mesh with me, as the others arrive do you reckon I can add them to the mix to make 5 for regular use? Ive hears a couple of people say anything over 1-2 slows results to a crawl. Cheers
If there is any one thing I did I’m not sure I remember it now. I’d still point to wearing boosted Chakra tag with Ascenscion for a month. It’s like listening to Energy Body Clearing non-stop. Or anyone could do just that.
i go out with countless fields, for one who can see auras i am sure i’d probably look like some freak spawned creature, had tons of energetic black out , exhaustion and almost paralysis over time, but the body gets stronger and stronger , and fields started to work perfectly even 20 at the same time occasionally, not reccomended maybe but possibilities and subjectivity are endless