Coming off antidepressants

Hey there, this is my first topic and I’m kinda new to this forum. Still trying to get use to the terminology :slight_smile:

So my question is this.
I’ve been using ssri antidepresant for the last 7 months and decided to quit it. The side effects are horrible is there any field that can help to reduce this side-effects?


I’ll try it. thank you so much.


If it were me (which is a big caveat), I think I would use Brain Regeneration, which is my go to field when I feel overextended. I’d also use the revision of childhood and alchemy of parental love. Think of it as easy therapy. Sun Gazer and Vitamin D would be nice. I like Emotional Release and Fa Jing Gong Healing because they very gentle.

I would also stay hydrated and get some electrolytes, minerals and some good B vitamins.


Wow. Thank you. It’s a great idea converting this withdrawal period into a therapy. I’ll check out all the fields.

I was on them for 22 years and tried at least 7-8x to get off them, but I could never fully wean off because the side effects were so bad. Then someone told me about the supplement NAC. (N-acetyl-cysteine). I took 2 in morning and 2 in evening…took about 4 weeks total to wean off but it truly made all the difference and I can happily say I have been off them for 15 months. Good luck!


Wow I’m so happy for you.

This will be my first attempt to get off and hopefully I can manage to withstand side effects.
Considering it’s only been 7 months hopefully my brain haven’t got so depended to it so bad.
If I fail I’ll give supplements shot. Thank you so much.

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Good luck!! I really wish I was familiar with fields back when I decided to stop!


This is super long but I was thinking out loud as I was typing aha
Long story short just go to the bottom (where it reads “Ok so you chose to read the quicker version of this way too long post. Nice choice” lol)

I judge myself so hard for this lol


You are so smart, sincerely congratulations.
It’s been my life long dream (or more like 5 year dream to get off lmao) but I never can because the physical dependence withdrawal is like-
idk I’d need Excalibur strength haha.

As you know being on them messes with and like fries your nervous system, aka no bueno. If anything SM will start working more effectively for you as your fully off of it so congrats once again

Anyways. The day I do,
I will make sure
I make sure of a few things.
As I detox, I will make sure to do opiate withdrawal as mentioned above, silent mind, the psy NFT (or maybe do that one after. It depends. Talk to someone who knows more on it first, I may be speaking out of line), plasma brain of youth, and 100% MYTHIC (detoxed plasmatrom life, divine will, negentropic coherence. Yes follow that exact order)

And then when I start feeling less and less of the physical dependence and even mental side affects (as I’m sure you know, you might feel might see a kick in your depression. But then it should relax, and it absolutely will in time with SM (but that’s my POV)
Is nervous system regeneration and restoration fields.
That means:
Soul restoration series followed by the auric repair (it’s consider the “unsaid final” of the restoration series)
astral viber, self refresh.
And then of course
At the end. The very end of all this. Once you are fully off
I suggest. Crucible series. And smart cord cutter again.

And just in general:
Blueprint (no doubt. (Never a doubt with the BOL but you may also use that during the first stages aka as you taper out)
Another one will be Schumann resonance (esp during tapering/ withdrawals part)
And If you are interested, take the Schuman Resonance NFT. I think it would be great for your situation without a doubt. There are a few left over on the Crypto NFT site, ( I’m always amazed it’s not sold since the effects of that can trickle down profoundly (in my opinion it helps with other bodies ie your astral in astral travel but that’s just me lol, but wow sorry I digress)

But back to the first few stages:
Ego dissolution. No doubt about it. This is a must.

And during the anger stage or very uncomfy stage : smart cord cutter. I would have used the deinhabiter album in the past, but I don’t need that for stuff like this anymore thanks to that.

But if you find yourself relapsing / feeling very strong withdrawal symptoms as you get off the meds (is like self harm)- I would use the negative entity removal one (the screeching high pitched sound one. Because It helps one just snap out of that self harm trance…not because u are possessed by a demon or something lol.
Which now also makes me want to say if you have the cold water therapy audio- yeah that’s always a good one to use when you are in a big bout of emotional turbulence…give that a shot).
Then there is emotional release and entwining worlds of beauty and joy- great to use that when you feel very low. And as I am sure you know that occurs for some individuals as they taper off (unusually/ extra low/ sad).
There is emotional alchemy nft, too. (because worlds of beauty and joy are unfortunately not there anymore, I highly suggest that as the replacement).

Now on a higher being/ comic like level:
tower of holy light/power and /or cosmic intercession NFT, cone of power,
Follow it up with Excalibur. And please see if you can get as you being your process:
Holy Water of khaenrips


(the reason I don’t recommend Amritsarover over that isn’t because it’s not effective but because how most kaathas- especially the manji sahib kaathas themselves- are always like it’s not just dipping in the water there at Harmandhir sahib (the amritsarsarovar) (although thats not to say it’s impossible- it could be , just usually it’s not )
But actually when the person actually stays there - like physically. literally- are the miraculous benefits received [because sangat is present, as is SGGS, kirtan, and the ability to preform seva. And because they make sure the ishnan aka the field is performed before partaking in amrit vela and reciting nitnem (which is usually proceeded after amrit vela). And the amritsarsarovar was really intended for that- bathing in before amritvela lol. So yeah - But this is my personal experience. Especially when I was on some very determental meds which was these past few months.

Btw. If you cannot get smart cord cutter, there is a public version on YouTube called etheric cord cutter ; Dream Seeds

And :


Consider the 30 minute clearing field on YouTube for the first field for your day also. Folllowed by ego dissolution. And then the fields maybe mentioned above.
(And I mentioned the 30 minute clearing field above instead of PONR as the latter might be too much for yourself to handle, especially as you are getting off of the medicines, and PONR can bring up a lot of things ; so the timing to me at least isn’t quite right. Maybe post operation stage you can listen to that. And again I only say that because what you’re about to do (tapering off the pills) is a delicate matter so that last thing you’d want to do is make it more intense then it’ll already - but that’s just me idk)

Ok so you chose to read the quicker version of this way too long post. Nice choice:

Personally. Personally. And again I say personally.
I might just discard everything I typed above (wow)
and just work with Crucible of Karma

Because I listened to KCrucible when I was getting off some genetic meds (that totally screwed with my emotional , mental/psychiatric, and physical self) and when I was feeling the mental health effects of the withdrawal / tapering phase, crucible of karma literallly reduced everything to ash. I mean
I haven’t listened to it in a few days and I still feel the affects

K Crucible Isn’t like the rest of the crucible series where you might feel a heavy load after and have to listen to some perk-me-up fields to remind you of your inner pillar of power; k crucible just does it for you. You feel light as a feather but also feel work being done; like that of an electric pulse.
it’s really what its NFT photo depicts lol. You are the lotus on top of the burning fire, because quite literally you remain unscathed, perfectly fine - exalted even- during and after it, and that is an amazing feat considering everything around you is a molten lava that’s being burnt to the ground.

Idk I used to say,
when in doubt, blueprint it out
But I might say , after my acquainting with this ofc,
When in doubt… Krucible it out
(Get it…c switched to K for karma … ahaha … yes I’m so weird… lols)

Good luck


Wow… First of all thank you so much for all of this. You are a lovely person I literally felt your good intention over the screen :)

I read it over and over several times to fully understand it. yes it was long :)

Since I’m kinda new to morphic fields and all the terminology there were lots of terms that I didn’t know (for ex. NFT’s, blueprints?, lots of names of the gumroad releases etc.) sorry for my ignorance. I’m learning :frowning:

Thanks to you I researched all of them but I guess I have to buy most of them. since I don’t have any salary or money source I’ll try to stick to the free ones as much as I can :smiley:

I’m really curious about abundance fields too but I guess thats a different topic.

So in summary this is the stack I created:
-30 min cleaning
-ego dissolution x3
-opiate withdrawal x3
-The Schuman Resonance
-Smart Cord Cutter

what do u think ?

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i would add this one


to boost neurotransmitter levels