Communicating with subconscious

Mmmm that’s is what I was starting to get thanks to @Atreides previous messages…

How do you use that to ask a question to subconscious for example?

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About that… I still dont know how to ask questions to subconscious… :smiley: Its probably advanced level…
But for most things, it happens automatically.

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Same the other way then? You don’t receive images, words, tastes, smells, sounds… from unconscious?

You can. It’s just not its primary mode of communication. But I think increasing the subconscious bridge will bring it more into other modes.

I guess then that a part for the most obvious messages (dreams etc…) that people usually recognize there are a lot more unrecognized
Poor unconscious :upside_down_face:

Yes it is a super interesting creature the subconscious. If you think about it, the way dreams communicate, it really is like someone is talking to you who speaks in words and pictures as a second language. It’s all about the meaning. A woman in a dream isn’t a woman. She’s a symbol.


After practicing for a while you will be able to think, without hearing your thoughts / seeing any pictures, while you still know what you are thinking about.

When you are able to do this, you can send suggestions or questions to your subconscious mind. Then you will receive your answer in this wordless form.

I assume I’m on the right way and can think without words and pictures, but can’t receive concepts yet. But sending conceptual suggestions in trance seem to work.

This is a long term project and probably a good way to prepare for the upcoming course.

If you want answers right now, put yourself in an Alpha or Theta state, then loop the DMT track and ask your subconscious yes or no questions.

Assign yes to the right thumb and no to the left thumb and try to surrender control to the subconscious and let it lift a thumb as an answer.

Or start automated writing in trance, with the DMT track in the background.


You will notice that it will become easier naturally the more and longer you use/deal with fields, subliminals, frequencies, manifesting etc. It literally is just a muscle you can easily strengthen.
One very effect way to do this is to notice a thought and then trace it back to what caused that thought. You will notice a pattern in your thought processes, and find out what triggers which chain of thoughts. This will help tremendously with subconscious communication.


I think I understand now, and probably instinctivly already doing that :wink:

I’ve never “actively” tried to send suggestions.

In my experience inqury lead to deep questioning, that basically I would describe as maintaing a sense of deep wondering about an issue (without hearing thought that speaks the question).
This led to quite some insights, suddenly (out of time) knowing the answer that than in (linear time) gets conceptualized and put in to words (more or less skillfully :sweat_smile:) by the mind

But I’ve always attributed the source of the insight to Being not the subconscious mind


@akkar Hey bro, get the Theta field, it will help you soo much… unless you already have it…


Thanks for suggestion!
I already have it but never use it much… will do

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Use it minimal 2x a day… :innocent: And i guess 2x is fine…

I can use it to start my meditations than