Communication skills

What are some audios to help with communication skills ? :+1::grin:


You might find the tips in this article from the Sapien website helpful:

The audios recommended in addition to the tips are Subconscious Limits Removal, Become Whole and Extreme Self Confidence. You might also try Animal Empathy/Telepathy.

There is a Social Mastery item in the Sapien online store as well.


cheers bro :facepunch: I am doing confidence audio already but it’s early days , I’ll add the others in and that should set me up nicely :wink:

appreciate your help

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Hey , U seem to know quite a bit here lol , do you know if the enlightenstate male enhancement is the same as the one in patreon? :thinking:

It’s not, it’s the one that used to be on youtube…I’ve heard good stuff about it…I think as far as your communication goes, NGF will definitely help…It’s helped become more clear-headed and I express my thoughts more clearly into words now…I usually speak with my hands, eyes and facial expressions so I can get peoples attention of how I’m feeling too…I was always a good speaker, but it seems it enhanced it…but Uial named some great ones…


Thanks Dang :+1:

I will defo give that one a shot later and see how it goes :sunglasses: Glad to hear it’s working for you too :blush:

What’s your favourite from SEP?

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No problem bro. Ummm, I’m sorry, I don’t know what SEP is? lol. Can you explain?

Oops, I meant sap. (Sapien) 🤦like do you have any favourite tracks ? :grin:

Throat chakra audio can improve communication skills I guess.


Ummm, these are essential for me as of late:

-Superhuman genius
-Shen energy
-Animal telepathy
-Pietersite energy
-Klotho Booster
-Endocrine rejuvenation
-Automated workout(helps me sleep since it regulates Rev-erb
-Eye Regeneration


How about yours? And I didn’t know he had a throat chakra audio. But he’s definitely right about this one…

Yeah me either but I will defo give the throat chakra a bash. :+1:

I only found out about dream seeds YouTube today , I recognised some from the patreon page.

Gamma brain waves
Auto workout
Core strengthing
Stress removal
Attract wealth and abundance

:sunglasses::sunglasses: Theres so many good ones to choose from lol

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Yeah, I know right? And what better time to experience all of them then now, during quarantine when we literally have a million seconds to waste…lol

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