Thank You for your answer and for this marvelous creation of field, really valuable field
I see what you meant with “rapport”
Although honestly I would like more that you have one field for sharped observation and understanding behind every situations, meaning, reasons why it happened, why it’s happening right now, what are causes behind it etc
To simply know,… you know what I mean
And I think this one is more focused on this fact but only on people side, for different form relationships among people to create better understanding behind it etc
I would like also one for understanding different kind of situations
Although I cannot complain
I am already slowly developing this kind “ability” (answers are popping up from nowhere) but I would rather like to develop it with your fields and tools than with others
But that’s just my wish, my yearning and striving for, right
you are not obligated to do anything, really
Thank You for all, always
Anyway I am grateful