Conceptual Realizations

Apple Music


Lol i like the :dagger::crystal_ball: on the stack name


Duality :wink:


Played 4 times last night overnight when slept, and today had so much valuable insights than I had listening 2 times on day as I have done usuallyā€¦it was feeling like you communicate with your subconsciousā€¦ you just know whole thing about that issue etc indeed realization
Will keep


Thanks for your powerful testimony my brother!!! :raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands::grinning::grinning::grinning:


Thanks for the great testimonial @JAAJ :+1:
Iā€™m really excited to go back to my previous IPF stacksā€¦ I will be saving for this field in the meantime.
Please keep up with the updates and phenomena you experience :slight_smile:


Will do!


I feel like this could really help with social skills (reading people better)


Yes, it does help to read people better.
My new boss is already afraid to lie to me or ā€œrepackageā€ info because I read his intentions and spoke openly with him :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :grin:



I just wanted to add my positive review of this one

I bought it under the justification that this is an essential life hack to have on hand for the rest of my life (the ā€œrest of my lifeā€ timeline really does help underscore how much of a value and steal the more expensive audios out there for purchase really are)

Turning out to really synergize with many many fields and stuff and actually doing WAY more than one would anticipate based off its description alone (and the description already adequately conveys how life hacky this is)

Helping me communicate and really better just ā€œgetā€ things

Iā€™ve noticed on days I play it more (which tbh are just days I combine it with ā€œThe 11th Powerā€ from Quadible Integrity) I have insights and ideas and stuff coming to me in such a way Iā€™m realizing that even more abstract things that one wouldnā€™t easily ā€œgetā€ from whatever resources for thought-making (memories/knowledge and stuff) I have at my disposal, somehow still gives me insights and realizations and ideas and stuff that I wouldnā€™t really think I would be capable of given those thought-making resources I speak of would theoretically be able to make

Like, sometimes I get questionably real thoughts and feelings or ideas come to mind (ā€œIs this connected to a past life or something?ā€ The types of moreā€¦ supernaturally type stuff not easily ā€œprovableā€) more frequently too

And then theres days like today I combined this with Imaginarium Divine and <33


Thanks for another great testimonial!

I came to the realization that this field makes you 100x more genius than any brain enhancement field, because letā€™s be honest, the physical brain is just a signal converter. The real genius comes from the consciousness, subconsciousness and the Higher Self.

Conceptual Realization downloads and compresses this higher wisdom straight into your human understanding in very clever way, so that your physical brain can still translate the information and signals to you in human form.

Without this clever type of download and compression we all know what happens:
You do those amazing astral travels and understand the whole world, but when you return to your body you feel dumb because what was so clear on the astral plane now fails to be translated into physical brain understanding.
Finally, we have this amazing ā€œWisdom-to-Brain compression and downloading softwareā€!

A good analogy for this would be:

FLAC audio file (= very complex concept) ā€“ very large file size, too large for your 1.4 MB physical brain floppy disc
:notes: -/-> :floppy_disk:

MP3 audio file (= very complex concept, translated and compressed by Conceptual Realization field) ā€“ small enough file size and can fit onto your 1.4 MB physical brain floppy disc.
:musical_note: -> :floppy_disk:

While brain enhancement audios will make your brain floppy disc a few MBytes larger, you would still need Tera-/Zeta/Yota-Bytes to even comprehend what is basically going on, on the astral plane alone. Therefore, conceptual compression is key!

This should make the purchase decision for everyone very obvious ā€“ one cannot understand and grasp what magic @Dreamweaver is really performing without this field. :high_brightness:


I agree. As i said last night in the review of the Alchemical Mind Expansion blend, feeling my brain super healthy and with more capacity then i guess this is contributing to that as well because i play them in the same stack :sunglasses:


FLAC is usually 6 times larger than MP3. Because it is lossless audio file that means no single data in the audio is loss. MP3 is lossy.

Recently things that more advanced than MP3 as lossy and compressed audio file is OPUS.

OPUS is almost 5 times less in size than MP3 but it is more advanced in store audio data. So it saves your storage.

Sometimes i convert wav/flac subliminal or fields to OPUS than MP3.

But i like the analogy of @JAAJ as it is more easy to understand about FLAC towards MP3. :grin:


Also THIS:


This is Conceptual Realizations for Audio format. I just want to share the knowledge. Thank you very much guys. :blush:


This might be interesting for @SovereignSubliminals and his work.


Oh you are right. He/she creates subliminal right. :pray:


oh yeahā€¦ yeah this me.

i had a great dream last night. definitely living my best life. but it felt like buying a souvenir and taking it with you back home. the souvenir itself doesnā€™t even begin to describe the vacation with all of its richness.

i echo with you that conceptual realizations helps me recall better and remember the lessons and experiences iā€™ve learned better from my dreams.

to continue with my tourism analogy, besides the souvenir, it grabs pictures and videos for you to take back with you.

my hypothesis is it will help anchor every single experience when listened to for a longer period of time.

i like this analogy!

okay i like the add-on details! really interesting iā€™ve never heard of OPUS until youā€™ve mentioned it!


The first time I played this, I felt a sense of total calm, and I couldnā€™t necessarily explain why.

I got this track not only because of my desire to know why Iā€™ve had such a trying time the past year with a lot of painful departures and failures. In my mind, as much as I tried to let go, I couldnā€™t because the scars would be salted every night by my memories.

I kept on re-reading this thread and somehow what @JAAJ wrote sealed the deal. I needed to connect to my higher self to figure out what was going on. I needed to speed up revelation because while I know I could take whatever came at me, I didnā€™t want to do it the hard way. Iā€™d surrender and accept what my higher self and deeper wisdom would tell me.

I saved up as much as I could and I got this track. It was worth every single cent for the peace it gave me.

I didnā€™t immediately realize it the first day. I didnā€™t immediately get a flood of thoughts, I just felt calm when I heard this track, and instead of hoping that everything was going to be alright, I just somehow knew it would be. It didnā€™t matter that I was going through a lot right now, itā€™d just be preparation for the better times to come.

all positive growth is logarithmic

That thought lingered in my head, I couldnā€™t tell who said it to me, but itā€™s been there for awhile.

Over the next few days, I got to think of how I got here, and the most liberating thing that I understood was that I wasnā€™t a victim.

I did a lot to get myself into this mess, and Iā€™m doing a lot to get back out. Itā€™s going to pay off and Iā€™ll stay the course, and itā€™ll be okay.

The sense of peace and positivity was so unnerving, that I sort of panicked. Iā€™m a natural pessimist so the thought of everything going to be alright and that Iā€™m on a perfect path knocked me into fear.

Somehow though, I was lead into an even deeper understanding that the fear was not my own, it was just the ego, and that I wonā€™t self-sabotage this time. Iā€™d get what I desire because I would work for it and clean up myself in the process.

And for now, I feel like everythingā€™s just going to be okay.


@eternal So happy to hear that it is helping you :relieved: :raised_hands:

That is so true my friend!
I had a similar realization and started again to actively manifest my life instead of mostly reacting to it. It may not happen overnight, but I know that I will make it. And I know that you will make it :muscle: :sunrise: :white_heart: