Confidence Audio

Hello everyone, I’m new here. First of all, I want to thank this community for all the work they have done. I just started using the audios and I can feel the big difference. It’s amazing! :smile: Now then, I was wondering if I can get the confidence audio for download somewhere in the webpage? I want it and can’t seem to find it. I’d like to run it for hours offline. Thank you.


Awesome! Thank you. I’m not a member yet for that webpage. When I do become one, would I be able to download it?

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Yes, you will be able to download it from Patreon. That is one of the reason I prefer Patreon so I don’t need to deal with Youtube. Download audio, create playlists, loop things, its easy!


Awesome! Thanks for the share. I’m definitely joining next month. :grin: I appreciate you.


There’s also the Charisma and Glamour audio on Gumroad.


Thank you! I may get that later on! I’m really looking into getting the Glory! :D


I have both. I love it Charisma and Glamour audio!! Charisma is certainly a part of confidence.

As for the Glory field for me, my long term goals are still years away for me to see, so I thought it best to buy it now.


That’s awesome! How’s that audio working for you?

Yes, I agree. I’m getting once I move to my location. I need that push to get there faster. Haha. :D

It’s working great!! I can really tell the difference in me self-esteem. That one isn’t on YouTube, so I wanted to make sure you knew about it


That’s great to hear. Thanks for the share! I’d give it a shot later one! :D

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Hi There and welcome even if it is August by now… Have you seen these two videos on Youtube?

Somehow unfortunately confidence audio didn’t work for me, but I will buy charisma one from gumroad, hope it give results, thanks for noticing this to me guys…If you guys have more suggestions for confidence audio fields not mandalas or tags, or sigils, looking only for audios of confidence fields, please suggest me… just audios
Btw this post was like sign to me looking at this charisma audio… literally🙏🏻

Charisma will do i have it and am noticing some change in my behaviour towards people, convos seems to flow people want to keep listening to me and keeps me in their area like you become approachable. Also one thing i noticed is that it don’t work right away it works like a week from listen and the more i listen the more things become obvious and it becomes my behaviour not stranger than me.

Also if you want to get noticed listen androstenol will help get you noticed.

Some of quadible favorite subs is attract beautiful women quickly but if going to listen to this one don’t listen to androstenol because they both have pheromones properties. And too much pheromone can give you ghost effect which in pheromones community means that will be ignored by people especially women because you are too much thats how signaling works to the brain i won’t get into details.

And quadible supernatural masculin charm. But this will change you physically too. So if you don’t want any physical change. Stick with attract beautiful women quickly and Sapien fields.


Yes I am using QI supernatural masculine charm, and I am using only Sapien new androstenol and now charisma one, thank you… I appreciate your help, answer and assistance

I decided to put in my stack two of chakras also, heart one and throat one

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