Confused and need clarification on Sapien audio's

I am confused about the different sources of sapienmedicine and where to obtain the audio’s.

On youtube there are the video channel

On gumroad, you can purchase the audios

On patreon you purchase a membership

On enlightened states you purchase them

Are the audios on youtube the same as they are on the other sites regarding quality ,or are they different and is the effect the same if you listen to them on youtube or convert them into audio’s and download them to listen to them offline.

Are there different video’s on youtube vs. the audios that are on the other sites.

What is the differences between patreon and gumroad, from what I see you can purchase and download the audio on gumroad but you can only listen to the audio on patreon.

Are you able to download the audio’s on patreon and listen to them offline or will it effect the quality of the frequency, etc.

I don’t mind paying and purchasing for what I receive, I just need some clarification.

I hope that I have not made this to confusing, I am still new to all of this.
Thank you


You can download nearly every morphic field from YouTube as mp3 version on patreon.

They are as effective, as the videos, because Sapien created them as mp3s.

He didn’t convert them, like the YouTube download tools would. These conversions are messing up the effectiveness of the field.

Most gumroad mp3s are the same as their YouTube counterpart and most of them are on patreon.

There are some fields that are only on gumroad, likeBanishing Frequency, HGH 2.0, Vibration Series ,Soul Restoration Series etc.

Edit: Here is a list with everything that is available on patreon: