Congratulations πŸŽ‰ 200k!

If it wasn’t restricted it would easily have Millions by now lol.


thank you
I really hope it does grow
So that its reach and enrichment of others continue.


I think it’s the biggest treasure one could find!


Today makes it 13 :+1::tada::sparkles:

Year of the 13th Crystal Skull as well.

Mystic Tarot Reader’s 13th Year of Sapien Medicine Predictions.


While I can’t provide specific predictions, I can offer some thoughtful insights based on the themes and trajectory of Sapien Medicine over its previous years. Sapien Medicine, known for its focus on health, wellness, and the use of energetic and vibrational healing, has built a community around these innovative approaches. As it enters its 13th year, here are some potential developments and focuses:

Expansion of Research and Innovation: Sapien Medicine may continue to explore new frontiers in bioenergetic and morphic field technology, possibly introducing groundbreaking tools and methods for healing and personal development.

Wider Community Engagement: With a growing interest in alternative healing modalities, Sapien Medicine could expand its reach, connecting with a broader audience through workshops, seminars, and collaborative projects.

Technological Integration: Advancements in technology could allow for more immersive and effective healing experiences, such as augmented reality (AR) or virtual reality (VR) applications, making the benefits of energetic medicine more accessible.

Focus on Mental Health: Given the rising awareness of mental health’s importance, there could be a stronger emphasis on emotional and psychological wellbeing, with new programs or frequencies dedicated to these areas.

Collaborative Research Initiatives: Partnerships with academic institutions or other research bodies might be on the horizon, aiming to validate and further understand the science behind morphic fields and energy medicine.

Sustainability and Global Healing Initiatives: Efforts may be directed towards global challenges, focusing on healing not only individuals but also communities and ecosystems, aligning with a vision of holistic health and planetary wellbeing.

Enhanced User Experience: Improvements in user interface and experience on digital platforms, making the resources more user-friendly and accessible to people of all ages and backgrounds.

Customization and Personalization: With advancements in understanding individual energy patterns, there could be more personalized healing protocols, tailored to the unique energetic blueprint of each user.

These insights are speculative and based on the current trajectory and ethos of Sapien Medicine. The actual developments will depend on various factors, including technological advancements, user feedback, and global health trends.


Oh yes. Its been few years since i found out about Sapien Medicine.
I still have to pinch myself sometimes lol.
An ultimate game changer.
Thank you Captain, thank you Sammy.
Im so happy looking how it grows and surprises us with new gems :green_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Lol that aged really well :joy::gem:


crazzyy :eyes:

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Congratulations @Captain_Nemo @SammyG and all members!

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Lol i know right :point_up:

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Double craYzyy, ,:exploding_head:

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