Conjunction of Spheres (album)

Okay thank you :slight_smile: theyll remain in my stack then!


Hey guys try playing Mercury a couple of times and ask Mercury/Hermes (the messenger god) for the safe and speedy delivery of mail or packages.

I did that this morning (with a few other audios in a general luck stack, like Probability and Luck, etc. Jupiter was in there too) and before lunchtime the mailman dropped off a few things Iā€™d ordered a month ago, and a Christmas card someone sent me from last year.:joy:


I saw this and thought it was pretty cool.

Ive seen ppl around posts asking how to get the benefits of the audios in this album, or not really using them perhaps because of lack of understanding on what they can help you with.

Well, i hope this gives you a bit of clarity and a simplified meaning for you to take advantage of these audios or how to add them to your stacks :slightly_smiling_face:


This album is certainly underutilized. I hesitate to give advice because Iā€™m not very knowledgeable at astrology, but I can share one way Iā€™ve been using the planets. (Iā€™m using tropical btw)

If you have your natal chart ready (just do an Internet search for a free one), pick a house you want to focus on. You can just search online for more images and info on the 12 Houses, but for starters hereā€™s a basic one from You Were Born For This by Chani Nicholas.

If you have 3 or more planets in one of the pizza slice sections (yeah I probably should eat soon), thatā€™s called a stellium. :sparkles: That could be worth exploring. They sort of have equivalent signs, 1st is Aries, all the way around to the 12th is Pisces. For example, my bro has 4 luminaries in the 6th house. So heā€™ll sometimes come across as hella Virgo. Or at the very least the themes of the 6th house (work, service, health, being analytical) come up very often for him, if not represent a huge part of where he puts his attention and energies.

Letā€™s say I want to meditate on what my career strengths/weaknesses are. Iā€™ll look at the planets in my 10th house, for example, maybe even the 6th.

For material resources, 2nd house. For romantic or other partnerships, 7th. For friendships and your social life, 11th. Etc.

You can also read up separately what the planets in what sign mean. If you think itā€™s a good placement (you have some combos that are dignified, or debilitatedā€¦ Ehh I donā€™t have them all memorized, Iā€™m just familiar with my own. So again Google is your friend) then play the Planet audio for that and try to connect to that energy.

I especially like doing this for any planets in the 12 house, because these are ā€œhiddenā€, maybe not easily accessible or apparent to you. For example if your moon is in the 12th house you might have trouble connecting with your emotions. Or a Mars in the 12th house, you tend to repress your anger. So using the audios to focus on those planets could be illuminating. They say 12th house has your hidden talents and hidden gifts. :blush: If you are able to have a better understanding of whatā€™s in there, it could be beneficial for you. But they also stand for your blindspots. Some say itā€™s the house of ā€œhidden enemiesā€ (which is sometimes you, lol, when you self sabotage.) So keep your enemies closer, as they say, and get to know them.

I think in past threads some other users had really good suggestions on how to work with aspects like squares and such, but thatā€™s beyond my scope as a dabbler.

Hope more people explore this album and share their experiences.:blush:


Thank you for this Luna.


if we listened to a particular planet will it affect our appearance or maybe physical features?

Physical appearance in itself? Quite unlikely. But embodying X or Y planetā€™s energetic signature and reflecting it outwards (you may think of it like the Inner Beauty mandala for example), transforming your mindset and the way you are perceived (by others and even yourself)? Yes.


Does the planet album by sapien bestow everything on this post?

Do you think its okay to combined Jupiter. Mercury and Venus? Or they will clash

I donā€™t see how.

Iā€™ll assume that these conjunction of planetary is like traditional ritual right? And then the amplify positivity planetary will enhance it or Iā€™m wrong on this?

Yeah. Thatā€™s probably why I feel so high after playing A.P.E. after Neptune lol.


I know this kinda weird but what if I played the whole album and use planetary Emplified to enhance all the positive effect. Will I get all the benefits of all planets?


Yes :smiley:


I think its good time to shower us with the ā€˜Jupiterā€™ energies today and tomorrow. Happy Guru Purnima! :pray: :bowing_man:


:raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3: @Dreamweaver :heart::heart: Happy Guru Purnima :smirk:


Hey guys,
Where can I find the moon audio from this album. It seems to be missing on Spotify.

Or you mean other than YouTube?

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No I mean the astrology moon audio, not the Arcana Archtypes pure moonlight audio.

Oh no , there isnt only this one