Consequences of Sex

I am parked in a lay-by now just opposite a lake - just taken these


Absolutely immaculate! Thanks for sharing. What a gorgeous setting :grin:. Like where else would you want to be right now. :ok_hand: All the perfect colors there.


Does it help reduce the refractory period also ?

Is that like when the amount of time it takes to get you going again?

Yes it is the time taken for someone to start having sex again after ejaculation.

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Oh well Iā€™m currently celibate so I wouldnā€™t know but based off what Iā€™ve read and what others have told me it seems to be so


Lol bro Iā€™m 15 years old


lol, then why are you using the soul restoration for sex related ?


Was joking bro


Soul restoration is a serie of three different audio

I bet that went down well :expressionless: :grimacing: :shushing_face: :rofl:




see what happens? it comes back to get you :stuck_out_tongue:

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A question for all those practicing nofap. Do you ever feel any pressure in the body anywhere while on nofap?

I tried nofap for sometime but I have noticed that I start to have some pressure in my testicles and the region and sometimes little pain there when I do not have sex for some period. This gets bad if I look at some video or get sexually aroused and then do not proceed further. Is this normal or should I investigate?


Try to transmute the sexual energy regularly using the 6th Tibetan Rite or Transmutation and Microcosmic audio


for me i do feel pressure and i like to see it as energy building up. Transmutation and Microcosmic audio like @Dewbob suggests does help, but i supplement it with actually moving my body in the form of dancing and calisthenics.

for me, the energy needs to get ā€˜releasedā€™ somehow, so i dance it out and get really in tune with my body. i play Just Dance 2020 on my switch and i also dance to sapien medicineā€™s audios.

i also run with my dog and play sports at work.


ok. I fail to mention that I also experience constipation during nofap and leakage of semen also on straining during constipation. Is this a medical condition or too much sexual energy in the body ?

Are you sure itā€™s not some other type of discharge?

energetically speaking, think of yourself as a pool and your sexual energy is a waterfall filling that pool. if you have no rivers (ways of moving) then all that water/sexual energy has nowhere to go once your pool is filled to the brim and it will find and even break the pool to get out.

your body needs movement to function healthily especially for your mind. everything is connected in this way.

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Its white and sticky.

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