Coronavirus reversing results

I used the Coronavirus audio along with lung restoration overnight for the past three nights. I’d been experiencing shortness of breath which is very rare for me, so I listened as a preventative. Now I’m thinking the audio might’ve done more harm than good. I thought Sapien was subliminal and not field energy so I didn’t see the problem using them overnight. My lung capacity hasn’t returned and I felt pain when using the lung restoration. Could it be due to overusing these? Is there anyway I can use a flush to reverse results? Thank you.


There’s a video by Quadible Integrity that reverses any formula ever creared apparently. I would try that out and see if it helps.


Hi @Delihla!
Welcome to the site.

You said you already had shortness of breath before listening, that could be getting worse.
It could be due to overusing these audios as well.


This could be due to seasonal allergies as I myself suffer from shortness of breath a little at this time of year. I doubt Sap’s audios would ever harm you but listening overnight isn’t a great idea- way too intense!!

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Regarding something you can use to help with overusing it, Jing Restoration and Pranayama Training (may also help with breathing) have helped me and other people here with that.

Bone Marrow Strengthening and Enhancement should also help strengthen your immunity.

gpo’s Hypothetical Virus Disruption & Immune System Strengthening Stack may also help you. You may wish to choose only a few of these, however, and limit the number of different fields you are listening to if it’s possible you were overdoing it.

You may also want to read the advice in this thread and this thread about overdoing it.

So I have used the same two audios, and I had a similar experience initially, but it got better quickly and has ended up helping me a lot.

My personal experience - I also felt pain when listening to the lung restoration after it was updated to help with scar tissue and damaged tissue removal (the version without this didn’t do that for me).

However, it improved my breathing significantly and the pain went away after around 10 listens the first day. I thought it could be due to removing damaged tissue.

On the first day, it felt like I was flushing out a lot of damaged tissue and mucous from my lungs. This stopped almost entirely by the third day, and the pain correlated with better breathing for me. Now I don’t experience any pain at all when listening to it.

For me, I had been ill with increasing amounts of pain in my lungs and difficulty breathing for a week or two unable to take full breaths, when the updated video was made. It was serendipitous timing.

Initially I thought it could be due to lifelong asthma, but it began seeming more like pneumonia as time went on.

I had feeling been mildly ill and inflamed for a few weeks, but it got to a point where it took a turn for the worse, and breathing was very painful at times in the days before Sapien uploaded the Lung Strengthening 2.0 video.

I had also felt rather inflamed and tired when listening to the coronavirus video, and I tend to develop inflammation very easily from immune system responses, so I was being careful not to listen too many times to that and my lungs were still in pain even though it was providing me some relief.

I listened to Lung Restoration and Strengthening 2.0 around 10 or more times in the evening when the video came out, and by the morning on the second day of listening I could suddenly breathe very well again with almost no pain.

I also began listening to the coronavirus video and Sapien’s Jing Restoration video more often in the following days, and it worked very well for me to clear up the illness. I found the silent coronavirus and UVc audio (free on Gumroad from Sapien) much more comfortable to play for longer periods of time than the version with music, so I kept on with looping that version in the background and began feeling better and better.

I still use the silent coronavirus and UVc combinaton audio preventitively.

I left the silent coronavirus UVc audio playing overnight once without intending to as I forgot it was playing and did feel much better in the morning, but I wouldn’t do that again because I would be concerned about overdoing it. It may be just fine to do so for some people, though, especially if someone is severely ill. We’re all individual and have different responses.

I played Lung Strengthening around 3 to 5 times per day after that and gradually reduced it to once every other day.

Now I don’t feel tired listening to the coronavirus audio or ill at all anymore, and my breathing actually feels much better than it has in a long time, not laboured at all.

I’m incredibly grateful for Sapien’s work, and I think it’s quite possible it even saved my life (or saved me from ending up in hospital in intensive care). :pray:

So in my case, the pain was temporary, I suspect due to the field helping remove damaged tissue and strengthen the lungs.

If there was any damaged tissue from coronavirus or another source of pneumonia, it may also have been helping clean that up.

However, as Sinem and Isla369 said, I probably wouldn’t listen overnight to either as you could overdo it, and the lung restoration one could be much too intense to listen to overnight.

Best of wishes and hope you feel better soon! :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks for the response! I actually had the exact same experience as you but I wasn’t sure if the lung restoration was creating or healing the scar tissue. I have asthma as well and also had the feeling this could’ve ended up much worse if I didn’t know about Sapien. Times like these can be really frightening but I’m glad you got your health back :)


You’re welcome! That’s really interesting to hear. Has it stopped hurting for you since? I wonder whether the pain might be particular to healing damaged tissue for people with asthma, then. My asthma hasn’t really resurfaced since I started listening to it, and it’s normally a daily presence.

Times like these really can be frightening, and I’m glad you know about Sapien too! :slightly_smiling_face:

I hope our Sapien community will share their work with many more people like us who may need it now.