Correct Breathing Technique for Star Meditation

:point_up_2: :point_up_2: @anon32464289 did the above happen?

SOMA Awakening Breathwork Full Tutorial for those interested in Soma breath


Nope but it can happen :)
I had just one answer.

The One :ok_hand:
Be sure to do it with Plasma Flower or the Mass med behind :pray:


So this Soma breathing seems to be essentially a combo of Mula and Jalandhara bandhas in some form, but missing the Uddiyana Bandha?


He mentioned very briefly at 10:18s not by the name as “Uddiyana Bandha” but just saying to suck in the abdomen slightly up the diaphragm, so in a sense the lock is there :sweat_smile:


Ah ok, thanks @Yuichi, must have missed that part :smiley:


Yes, you do it over Hypoxia / Breath Retention :muscle:

They’ve done a very fine job, putting together all the breathing techniques, personal development & current tech with ancient wisdom from the East.

Hence “Soma” :)


All they miss is Morphic Fields from Dream hehe.

Hence my recommendation above :)


I am feeling to re-offer a session before the next Mass Meditation on Saturday, so you can raise your vibration before.

I’ll just expect from you a donation for your sincerity to any sapien med foundations (1€ is enough) and to make sure I don’t waste my time.

Let me know, doesn’t matter if we are 3 or 4. Maybe @Yuichi?
There was someone else interested but can’t recall the name right now :smile:

Should be fun!


I would be certainly interested, will this be like a one off video instruction or something similar close to that ? Hope we get the numbers even if 3 or 4, will place the donation and send you screenshot this evening if it goes ahead :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Hey @anon32464289,

I’ll be honest. Right now, I am fully invested in the SEE course, so I wouldn’t be able to give the Soma Breath, full attention. I’m happy to pay the 1€ now to access it in the future but I don’t think I can do the session anytime now.


Good call bro :muscle:
I’ll record it anyway and it should be 20-30min long, just the basic and we practice together.

Noice :smiley:
Through Zoom: I am feeling a short intro about Breathing Technics and its benefits (2min) and we go straight in it, I’ll guide your through the Rythmic Breathing and Breath Retention - so you understand experientially the inner posture and purpose of it.

With fields in the background so you can go deeper and be already in Meditation when you’ll join the Mass Med.


Thank you so much man :slightly_smiling_face:


Excellent! And lucid explanation by the gentleman in the video too.

My favorite practice is - holding the three bandhas (locks), silencing the breath and then circulating as many mantras as possible in that state of void. After a while, the silence of breath and body assuming these lock-postures become spontaneous. It caused some social issues in the beginning (awkward lol) but over the years, I can now manage these better…haha


Coooool, thanks for sharing!! :)

Actually I didn’t read properly, Soma does not include Uddiyana Bandha, but Jalandhara Bandha & Mula Bandha, my bad.

I am always forgetting about this one, in that state of void, my body is kinda doing it automatically (Uddiyana) in the forms of waves though, but not doing the lock myself.

My question though: do you do the three while in breath retention? And if so, isn’t it going against the deep relaxation?

Super interested to get your feedback on that.

Aside from that and if this is of interest for your Path:

One thing that proved itself potent for me on the last few days has been - once deeply relaxed in the void - to emit a strong Intent to fully give that moment away to Divine Consciousness.
It’s been creating a beautiful connection with the One Creator, that follows me then during the day :heart:
(and I am coming from hard-core materialist & atheist conditionings :laughing:)


Yes, essentially the goal is to practice what is called Manonmani Kriya (manas - mind, unmana - turns inward).

What I do is practice the Mahamudra (which combines the three Mudras + Shambhavi mudra) and while holding the breath, begin to mentally rotate the mantra ascending and descending along the spine (central channel). Also, this will not cause any stiffness if done right as one of the pre-requites for this Mudra would be a good amount of Pranayama practices and a good level of mastery over individual bandhas - so that the breath is very fine and subtle. If that is ensured, when holding the breath internally, the effort part is negligible. The main problem would be if we apply too much effort to hold the breath (or for longer than the body permits).

Also, once an energized/attuned mantra is rotated, the capacity to further perfect the mudra seems to greatly increase because now the entire lineage of teachers and the deity personified by the mantra are now present assisting us… :slight_smile:

Of course, this is my way (and just one of the many ways) of doing it. Accomplished folks like Dream get into this twilight state of Void-Light without any acrobatics with just a nod and a wink… (I’ve seen him do that haha)…


You’ve lost me but it feels I’ll get the necessary update during the night. Thanks for sharing :)


I am not aware yet of the Mahamudra and super surprised how I’ve missed it :laughing:

The attuned mantra resonates strong though, I’ll give it a try tomorrow.

So far I’ve been doing a similar process with specific vibration (108, dove, love), but not targeted at the spine, rather focusing on the whole body and spiritual heart.


I feel literally guided in a forceful way to learn this SOMA breathing(after stumbling upon this thread), so once I feel like I am able to do it correctly, I will go for ur modified version. Can u post the link for donating, and ofc, I will go to ur demonstration once I feel like I have mastered the basics. I feel this is one of those overlooked OP things, also seeing Maoshan invested is another giveaway how great it is.


Just read again that reply of yours, thanks to a like on one of my post.

The wisdom you bring to that forum is highly appreciated.
Thanks for being here Mao :pray:


:hugs: :hugs: