
The effects seem like what i need right now with a demonic manager doing my head in at work lol


same thing today, slept 10 p.m woke up 10 a.m next day. Thank god I don’t have anything to do these days just trying fields. Still same hunger. After I woke up I ate two toasts, one big big croisant, 5 slices of bread with honey. Went to the super-market and bought two bags of chips ate them too. after 4 hours I am feeling like I ate something “light” :stuck_out_tongue: . Despite of the fatigue I am feeling very good “internally” not so stable emotionally as I am having some troubles but feeling generally good.Still don’t know what this field is working on. Also I am the same weight as yesterday, don’t know how that happened as I drunk 5 lt of water and ate that much.


Seems like a speeded repair and even genetic repair.


this field is putting you again on default ?


Hey bro I want to use 20/20 vision field . How many days does it takes to see changes. Bro


it depends. probably 6 months to 1 year depending on how severe. Use eye Regeneration

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I hear you on that! I knocked out at 8pm and woke up at 5pm.

Same thing, listened three times by the second I was already dozing off to sleep.

Some minor back issues I had became a “had” in the last two days. It is undeniable that I’m waking up better and better when I am using the cosmo volt.


yeah noticed that too, had not so bad pains but I used to deadlift in a wrong way and there was imbalance there, no problem now. It wasn’t that “wow” of a change but it was soemthing.

What was your overall improvement in other aspects?


I’ll write this all in about a week on my official review but so far:

-Better quality sleep
-Cleaner energy through the day
-Pains from old injuries disappearing
-Even better mood than usual (Im already full of joy but it’s different I get these waves of appreciation to be alive)
-Soreness recovers fast


Very nice I dig that


I share with you my experience with this sound.

I had a fractured left elbow in 1994. Some time after the operation and the period of wearing plaster part of my forearm, from my elbow to my little finger (little finger) lost sensitivity. Surely nerve damaged during the operation.
To tell you to the point that once I put my hand on the side on a very hot radiator, a few hours later I had a big blister on my little finger. I didn’t feel anything. I had lost the skin and the nail which was deformed. Not very pretty to see.

I am having difficulty contracting this little finger. When it’s cold my finger gets stiff. Very difficult to unfold it.

After listening to the sound a few times, I have my little finger which makes small contraction movements. It’s funny but at night it’s awkward to sleep :smile:.

Maybe there is a repair being done on this area of ​​my arm. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ll keep you posted :wink:


Thank you for sharing! That’s amazing!


A local (very old) restaurant near me just got a notice that NYC is going into lockdown next week. Only delivery and carry out.


Aka Intense Meditation Boot Camp time :slight_smile:

We should all do daily Sapien Mass Meditation sessions… That stuff is pure magic


Oh wow, we are exactly in that state. And we are also not allowed to travel more than 150 miles.

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Man, you’re kind of close to me lol. I live in Oregon. You ever drive up to Mt. Shasta area? @Maoshan_Wanderer


I used to!!! Many times!! Lately time has been a luxury :sweat: Amazing energy out there…




Haha I meant in terms of being able to travel, do a dark retreat etc.

May be, one day, when I retire early after having made a billion thanks to Mind Settings :sunglasses:

An ancient Sanskrit saying says - udaranimittam bahukrtavesham - for the sake of the tummy, we wear a lot of costumes, some willingly, many unwillingly…

When the state of mind is not dwelling in the state of survival for a significant part of the day, I think a lot more things become possible. Hopefully, some day for me :slight_smile:


Sanskrit! Reminded me of one of my favorite Thich Naht Hanh pages…