Course Live Webinar 11/30

Hello everyone, we’d like to do a webinar this upcoming Monday. Time is flying because it feels just like yesterday since we did the last one. Something might be different about this one though… We are going to try to stream the audio to our live radio for anyone to tune in and listen! Obviously, only people in the zoom will be able to see the live video, comment and speak but others can tune into listen to the conversation live. So I set up a poll to see what time would the most people be able to tune in and listen in our live chat.

(PS I am still figuring out how to do that so no guarantees on streaming it to radio)

Webinar Date and Time
  • Monday 11 AM EST
  • Monday 1 PM EST
  • Monday 4 PM EST
  • Monday 6 PM EST
0 voters

Woah already???

So unfortauntely, I couldn’t get the live streaming to the radio working so… it’ll just be normal zoom today. That being said, we are going to upload the audio to the radio so it autoplays tomorrow at 6 PM EST so everyone could tune in and listen.

Edit: Gonna have to do this tomorrow instead. Sorry ladies & gents.


@everyone Webinar is on right now!

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