I dont know if im crazy but im sure ive got Covid more than once
Last year by May like in the middle of Pandemia and lockdown i out of the blue started getting all the symptoms specially the dry cough chest tight, like literally out of nowhere… it lasted a few days like 3 the most and i looped all Sapien audios possible.
2 weeks ago we found out the wife of a coworker (the man that is cleaning our desks and stuff ALL the time ironically had covid and he never said it, he tested negative but you know… )
Then last week another coworkers daughter tested positive then she, so she was sent home, and 2 days ago i had a long meeting with some clients that found out had Covid before going back home…
I was feeling great, not even playing the Anti Covid fields or the lung ones or whatever at all, i was just not worried.
Then yesterday on my way home i started feeling weak and with a bad headache, got home and didnt even want to eat, slept, woke up today with the dry cough and tight chest and i was like oh…
So i got my hands on it and started looping the stack i hve for that in case… usually when i feel funny with some allergies i play that stack and baam great again.
But not this time lol, i really think i got it.
I had to loop it and loop it and play a lot BoL too, A LOT of pleurisy and Lung ones and it took a while to start feeling good.
This is the longest ive played that stack.
Literally like 5 or 6 hours of today.
I was like daaang im not gonna give up lol
(Btw… i also played quite a bit one field that most have over looked https://www.patreon.com/posts/mahamrityunjaya-31940755 ) just read about it, ill leave that for you to do
But then i was great. I am feeling great, perfect, no symptoms whatsoever. I will play UVC at my office for some days too but im sure ill be fine.
So guys seriously dont be afraid if you get it or think youve got it.
We have soooo many fields to quickly kill it, dont panic. Just get to it and loop them fields like is all you must do and youll be ok