Creating Fields

So I went to make my own fields by passing the energy through my fingers. It allows me to make powerful fields within seconds but if someone else listens to it, they attach to my energy signature. How do I avoid this without losing the amount of intensity I’ve been having with the quick creations. I wonder if passing it through an energy source will slow the process , but at the same time that’s what I want to know how to do

I had someone remote view me while another friend was using the field privately. The viewer Drew this as what they saw and at the end suggested that I get an energy source as shown in the lower drawing

Please only reply if you know what to do. Do not recommend me a coarse


group welcome flowers purple


welcome @Kazya!
the credit for this meme belongs to @JAAJ :stuck_out_tongue:
on a more serious note, try Energy Awakening Course as it have some pointers on how to create fields. there are also articles on


I only need to know one thing. I already know how to make fields, thank you for the greetings :pray:t5:


Thank you :pray:t5:


The enlightened course will help you for sure.

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Since @Captain_Nemo is the creator of the Sapien fields, he can answer… though he’s supposed to be on vacation.


By the looks of it. Seem like it’s a growing field

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Tie the energy off in its own pocket dimension. Add a dodecahedron inside a Metatron’s Cube with a quantum link to the zero-point quantum field to supply all its power demands. Command it to be self-sustaining from now on.


Very very very informative and helpful. Thank you :pray:t5:


Just to let know they are different folks lol

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since you are making your own morphic fields , do you know how to get results from morphic fields ?

Its pretty much channeling it from the eather instead of your own energy system. Franz Bardon writes about it in his first book. I practice more chaos magick and after creating a sigil for intension you need to continue to feed it energy sporadically, which are several methods for it.

I couldn’t find any methods to fuel my sigils with zero point energy though, which i believe was a technique passed down to dreamweaver from Dale Power who came from an alternate dimension and is no longer with us.

I guess the best indirect method and field from dreamweaver to empower our own fields/ sigils would be the booster from physical copy of the book of cards as well as the servitors can feed it energy untill the sigil/field is self sustaining


Yeah, if your minds eye is open and you’re sensitive, you can see and feel what the intent of the energy is. Results are always instant if enough intensity was supplied

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SorcerySupreme gave a good tutorial above if you wanna check that out. It sounds very direct and easy to follow

i been listening for 4.5 months , i cant get single result .