Crowd Project, Wealth mantras

Because of people who added themselves to the board list without posting here and because of the board going down, I am unsure if the list here is correct.

I think that people who had their places reserved by others, except for JAAJ’s friend, shouldn’t be included on the list. There are 10 names listed as reserved.

  • People added to the list by friends (there were two exceptions) should be allowed to remain on the list
  • People added to the list by friends should be removed from the list

0 voters

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Whoa, missed this one.

I appreciate the tag @Zen

So is this closed for anyone else?

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If you accept it


Captain set the total membership to 50. We had a snafu with the board list, so we are figuring out, hopefully, if there are any places left. If we allow people to save places for their friends (total of 10 people) the group is full. If we agree that those people should be removed from the list, there are still a very few places available.


personally, i think those who were reserved should be tagged and add themselves to the list.

I personally could’ve reserve a few spots to other people but instead sent out the link should they want to register.

I understand some folks are sleeping or busy but it would’ve been the same way if I were to be the one sleeping and they got the jump on it.


Who knows. Tomorrow Captain may show up and remove the member cap. Right now other than the poll, I can’t think of what to do, so that’s when it’s time to let it be, lol.


Right now it’s up to the people coming late, if they accept that they showed up on time and somehow they don’t get a spot because 1 dude reserved 3-4 spot (for people who didn’t show up 30 min after, nor 1h or even 2h later)… it’s cool, no problem.

But if they have a problem it’s up to them to make a scene and claim what’s fair and accept that they’ll vex some people. No one likes a loud mouth but… what do they want ?

If it was real life and a real waiting line :man_shrugging:

But hey, I was here early so I don’t care :joy:

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If we go by the list of people that signed up under their own steam, the group is full.

If we include the people signed up by their friends, the list is full plus about 10 extras.


I would like to be included if there’s still space :woman_shrugging:


The call is Captain’s, so we will have to wait until he’s here again.


All good things from captain happen when we are sleeping ,… In future, I should shift to his time zone :joy: :joy:


Ignore if full… add me in if reservations are nonsensical.
All the best for this project.
Things always gets better with @Dreamweaver .


@Rosechalice , love the way you handle things here. :+1::clap::clap:


Sweet of you to say, Raj. I feel like an empath that tried to help and then had to deal with the backlash of energy. :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :blush: An interesting situation, though. This is exactly what I was working on in the corpus spiritus tarot thread - the energy that comes up when I try to organize things. Let this be a lesson to me, lol. :rofl: :rose:


time zone won’t do it for ya, try sleep schedule :rofl:


I am interested.


Hi, harvard. Right now the group has reached its limit. Stayed tuned in case anything changes. :slight_smile:

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I want in.

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Hi, SorcerySupreme. Right now the group has reached its limit. Stayed tuned in case anything changes.

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