Dance prodigy field

Is it possible to make that sort of field? I realize it could be very complex but how cool would it be, I was always fascinated with people who can dance really well, my favorite styles are contemporary, jazz, even hip hop
It’s not a request per se, but more of a question of possibility and would it be effective in theory?


I don’t know about camps, but subliminal messages have already been used for similar things, the government has tested several airplane pilots at aeuronautica using subliminal messages on novice pilots, all of these pilots have developed improvements compared to the group that did not use subliminal messages, including almost approaching in aptitude to veteran pilots.


There are so many subliminal s these days, do you have any channels or videos that worked for you( doesn’t have to be for dancing just in general) or you feel like might be effective?
Thank you so much for your feedback, I do have lots of subconscious limits when it comes to dancing but I have been wearing the SLRM tag and now I feel like I wanna try but it would be awesome to have field for that too

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Drvirtual7 It is a great channel.

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Here’s an idea, try using the Ancestral Knowledge audio for this…maybe you’ve got some good dancers in your line you could pull from. Maybe combine that audio with one of the Intercession tracks/tags to get help accessing and integrating that specific talent.


Hello !!!
Glad you have SLR :slight_smile: Awesome right?!

This is a tip that can help a lot with your body skills .
Use brain hemy sync for cordination etc etc
I think collagen booster help with flexibility (do your own experimentations , but im pretty sure your gonna win not only flexibility also awesome skin and beautiful hair :stuck_out_tongue: )
Unconditional Love could make you tap on creative ways to move your body… this last one its pretty much my opinion , but a think its worth to try and experiment !!

Listen to your body and mind and see what works better for you!!
keep updating us on your path to pro dancer :)


Very well thought out idea.

Hi @Kiki, in addition to the suggestions in this thread, you might try the Induce Creativity and Core Strengthening fields.

From the description of Core Strengthening:

In addition it works towards enhancing your natural grace and balance energetically.

Best of wishes with dancing! :slightly_smiling_face: :man_dancing: :dancer:



Thank you everyone for your help, I didn’t expect to get so much feedback and recommendations, they all are very helpful, I will start experimenting with everything and I already signed up for dance classes🤣 so will see how it goes


I am a super enthusiastic dancer. However, whenever I dance my hips hurt, like I feel thenm being sucked in and I have a strong pain on my right side of chest. I’m super thin and healthy. What’s the problem??

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That part is perhaps related to weak stabilising gluteal and/or core muscles.

You might try Automated Gluteal Workout and Core Strengthening and see whether it improves.

Edit: One can always add the Plasma Light field, which will help with any issues one has. Here are some tips and guidelines:


do u guys have more recommendations :nail_care::nail_care::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: