Death question

I want no gravestone or death certificate. So people will wonder if I was a mandela effect.


@Atreides Nice one


I expect people to prepare and do things like that… but deep down I wonder why people think anyone would care about them once they died ?
Do you care about dead people much ?

Do and say what you want while you’re alive. Life will go on, they’ll take down the cemetery and build condos. This incarnation is a small thing for you and an even smaller thing for the world.

If you want to change the world, influence, touch someone, scream your slogan today

Also, you can do what you want with your money, but spending it on a cadaver is weird, maybe even shocking for some who are hungry I imagine


I’ve never thought about this…
Probably nothing, I don’t really care, it’s not for me, it’s for the people who will be dealing with it after 🤷

Cremation is not very common where I am from, but in recent years it’s become a bit more common as people are more mobile so there won’t be someone going to the graves each week to keep them nice and pay respects.
I like that approach more.


We died many times :joy: and awakens again. On :repeat:


He was born
He worked like a dog
He died



Death’s kind of boring
Like what are you even going to do afterwards



So death is not boring?
: /

Sometimes a spirit stuck in spirit realm for so long and it can be boring but if someone is enlightened enough or at least have the knowledge about the spirit realm. It can be fun. Otherwise it’s just the same but without physical body. I also can sense their energy that it is stuck and most of them barely know they’re dead already. And most of them are so desperate if they are in contact with people that can sense their presence. It’s like they found the radio station :joy:.

If you go to a graveyard for example. There are so much of wandering spirits. That are lost. Or they even have their own kind of gang. Yes. Like an actual gang of spirit lol.


Precisely, this is what I was talking about ( :
Wise human

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I suppose how you feel about death comes down to what you believe happens when you “die.”

Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls by Michael Newton are a couple of my favorite books about this. Might give you a more empowering outlook on the subject. I’m pretty sure you can find free PDF versions of both books online.


I aint gonna dieeeee :woman_shrugging:t2::sunglasses:


That’s awesome

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Im a woman


Stacy then

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“He meant well”

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I guess I’m the antagonist in all threads

For me there will be no writing, just a symbolic act after my death.

“Earth which nourished me I give you my body back so that you can nourish life”

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