Degenerative disc

Hi, I’m new here. I’m 25 years old and I have a degenerative thoracic disc in T4-T5, I’m in a lot of pain. What can you recommend me for this?

Using the forum search engine, I found this thread. Severe Back & Spine Pain in L4 L5 region

Maybe there is something there that would work for you.

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This could help to align your spine

For pain

Stem cells to regenerate

General healing

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I don’t know if my case was as anywhere near as bad as yours, because I’ve never gone to the hospital for a checkup. But in my case, I couldn’t even sleep on my back, because of the pain on my spine and back, in general. And it eventually got to the point, where I felt pain lying on my side as well. And sleeping comfortably became difficult. But the ‘Plasma Flaunt’ got rid of that spinal pain for me. If you can afford it, you should try that out.

Another thing that seems to work for me, was from another creator called Programmed Intention. I used his Chiropractic field to get rid of my shoulder blade pain. He also has a Pain/Inflammation field as well.