Hello Luna,
Thank you for sharing your perspective.
I personally disagree with your definitions of abundance/prosperity/wealth.
For me they all three indicate that you have always hundreds of times more than enough and than you would ever need.
Especially abundance, the word says it, “more than enough”, which means not just covering basic needs but really having always having hundreds of times more than enough and than one would ever need.
Prosperity and wealth are mostly related to money and assets, while abundance of course also covers other life aspects.
I also disagree with your descriptions of how “the energy and flow of money” work.
So why do I disagree with those definitions?
Because I believe you wrote a lot of personal ASSUMPTIONS of what abundance/prosperity/wealth means and what supposedly needs to be done to achieve those.
In my opinion you are projecting your own limiting beliefs here.
My understanding is that abundance/prosperity/wealth can be manifested without necessary outer conditions at all.
There are many people on the planet who are constantly manifesting abundance/prosperity/wealth without lifting a single finger, but just by being them.
There are many people who become abundant/prosperous/wealthy literally overnight and stay that forever, all because their internal reality made a great shift.
From my experience it all comes down to your inherent programming of self worth related to abundance/prosperity/wealth, plus what you are manifesting.
Yes, just those 2 things:
Self Worth related to abundance/prosperity/wealth + Manifestation.
I made the mistake myself in the past to believe my own assumptions about abundance/prosperity/wealth not realizing that I was severely limiting myself.
I listened to too many YouTube gurus and read too many books on finance etc. and didn’t realize that I was limiting my world view.
Thanks to the SLR + Ascension tag and some other personal growth stuff, I am now no longer limiting myself.
I no longer put myself in certain groups or stages and I no longer limit myself by believing that only certain paths lead to abundance/prosperity/wealth.
That is why I am replying to your post, to give you and everyone a different perspective on the topic
Any abundance/prosperity/wealth belief that indicates that…
“you must do x,y,z”,
or that “you must do x before you can do y”,
or that “it takes x,y,z amount of time”
…is a limiting belief.
In most cases the synchronicity of the universe and the Higher Self are aware of Millions of other paths to manifest abundance/prosperity/wealth and we just need to allow them to do it by letting go of our limiting beliefs and the brainwashing we receive from society.
Abundance/prosperity/wealth can manifest fast, can manifest of any size and can manifest without most of the conditions we believe that needs to be in place!
Coming to which fields are the most helpful ones:
- Any field that improves your general self worth and your mindset related to abundance/prosperity/wealth
- Any field that allows you to let go, to remove limiting beliefs
- Any field that helps with active manifestation
You already listed most of the fields that fall into these categories. Additional “musts” are:
- Archetype of Parental Love
- Trauma release
- Ascension tag
- Intercession tag
- Attract more Love into your Life
- Probability Alteration and Luck
- Coincidence And Synchronicity
- Ojas Refined and Defined
- Vibration of Transcendence
Check out my other post on this topic here too: